10 Tips To Combat Diarrhea In Dogs

10 tips to combat diarrhea in dogs

Diarrhea is a fairly common complaint in dogs. In most cases, it does not manifest itself in a serious form and, for this reason, it can be resolved at home. By taking some necessary measures, you can treat diarrhea in its mildest forms yourself, without having to go to the vet.

If your dog has diarrhea, here are some simple tips to follow so that you pass it.


The presence of food inside the intestine can cause contractions of the intestinal wall, aimed at pushing the food out. When the dog has diarrhea, however, the contractions can be very strong, and the food will be pushed out very quickly in the form of diarrhea.


In these cases, one of the first solutions is to make the animal fast by depriving it of food for half a day or a full day, so that the sensitive intestinal wall is lightened and resumes normal functioning.

Plenty of water

While fasting, make sure your pet has permanent access to fresh water. By drinking the right amount of water, the risk of dehydration will be lower.

Diet tips

To end the fasting period, provide your pet with tender, moist, easy-to-digest food. The diet should not contain fatty foods or red meat. Add chicken with boiled white rice, pasta or mashed potatoes. Milk and other derivatives are not good for dogs, also because these animals are lactose intolerant and these foods could further accentuate the diarrhea.

The advice of the veterinarian

If your dog is not responding positively to homemade food, the best thing to do will be to get advice from your vet on the best type of food for sale to help keep his stomach healthy. It is well known that certain diets can accelerate recovery times from diarrhea.

Rationed portions

The small portions generate a series of reduced spasms in the intestine during stimulation for the escape of food. When the dog has finished the fasting period, restore the food quantities of his normal daily diet, but divide it into smaller portions. By doing this, you will prevent diarrhea from returning.

Return to normal little by little

Once your dog’s diarrhea is completely gone, go back to his usual diet. Since the intestines take some time to heal, it is good not to restore the usual foods immediately. Continue with a light diet for at least another 48 hours to make sure the diarrhea is gone. After that, begin to gradually incorporate his everyday food.

Probiotics against diarrhea in dogs

Probiotics are physiological bacteria that aid digestion and accelerate recovery after diarrhea. During the violent expulsions of diarrhea, in fact, the bacteria useful to the body risk being expelled. It will take some time before the right amount of bacteria is restored, and before digestion returns to its maximum efficiency . Probiotic-based food supplements will be helpful in this regard. In general, probiotics should be mixed with the dog’s food once a day for five days. Be sure to take specific probiotics for dogs – the natural bacteria in a dog’s gut are different from those in humans.


Always avoid medicines for humans

Diarrhea in dogs should be treated using natural ingredients. Giving the animal medicines that reduce bowel movements, but designed for humans, could have serious consequences. If you notice that the initial symptoms don’t go away for two or three days, the best thing to do is go to the vet.

Check that he has not ingested anything strange

In many cases, diarrhea affects dogs after they have ingested what they shouldn’t have ; once their body has expelled it, their health will improve. If you find that your dog has ingested a poison or toxic product (such as house cleaning products), take him to the vet urgently.

Diarrhea in dogs often causes fever

Fever, just like for us men, can be a symptom of an infection. To take your dog’s temperature, raise him by placing one arm under his stomach and resting his hind legs on your chest. Then place your hand firmly under his jaw.

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