2 Pit Bulls Fight For 16 Hours Under Water To Save Themselves

2 pit bulls fight for 16 hours under water to save themselves

Natural disasters harm both people and animals. There are many stories of the suffering of dogs, cats, horses, cows or any other species after a flood, an earthquake or a tsunami. In this article, we tell you what happened to two Pitbulls who spent 16 hours waiting to be rescued. It happened when their home was submerged by water.

The case of the two Pitbulls rescued in Louisiana


Source: www.viraldiario.com

In mid-2016, a major flood hit the US state of Louisiana. At least 40,000 homes were damaged, 11 people died and about 30,000 were rescued and rescued. The rescued animals have reached one thousand.

One of the rescuers’ jobs is to search for signs of life through the water after a disaster of this magnitude. Darrell Watson and Mike Anderson are just two of those rescuers who risk their lives  to save others, including animals, domestic or otherwise.

Both men’s attention was captured by a house where two Pitbulls struggled to survive. The waters had risen to 1 meter and the dogs were doing what they could to keep afloat. According to the calculations, the animals spent more than 16 hours “swimming” among trees, houses and floating objects.

Once in a place between two houses, the pit bulls were spotted: they were trying to get on a kind of “floating island” made of objects that had piled up in the middle of the water. Fortunately, both dogs were rescued and returned to their families. As they returned to the mainland, the rescuers agreed to take care of the dogs themselves in case their family was not found.

Another dog rescue case in Louisiana

The state capital, Baton Rouge, was one of the hardest hit by the floods. In some places the water reached 2 meters in height in less than 2 hours. Josh Petit is another rescuer who told the story he became the protagonist of as he walked the area.

“I accidentally saw a shrub moving. Looking closely I was able to identify the eyes and muzzle of a black dog… the only parts of the animal visible above the water. He could hardly move because he was very tired. The eyes reflected sadness and fear. Fortunately we were able to save him. Once safely on the boat, he put his head on my lap and started moaning like a baby. He was thanking me! Then we rescued a veterinarian with his animals and brought them all to dry land ”.

Case of a rescued dog (along with his owner) in Louisiana

pitbull in water and plants

Source: www.viraldiario.com

Once again the news brings us to Baton Rouge. This rescue was very dramatic even if, fortunately, it had a happy ending. Two rescuers aboard a boat managed to rescue a woman and her dog who were trapped inside a car and who were practically submerged by water.

You could hear the screams of the woman asking for help because she was drowning… one of the rescuers, David Phung, jumped into the water and managed to get the woman out of the car. She asked to look for her little dog who was in the vehicle but could not be seen at that moment. The rescuer plunged back into the water and after a few seconds managed to rise to the surface with the animal in his arms.

The good news in these three cases makes us think, on the one hand, of the excellent work of the rescuers who risk their lives to save people and animals, on the other hand the survival instinct and the emotions of fear and sadness of the dogs absolutely comparable to human ones in these cases.

Source of images: www.viraldiario.com

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