5 New Dog Breeds Still Not Recognized By The FCI

These new dog breeds are the result of the crossing of traditional breeds, but they are so recent that they have not yet been recognized by the FCI. In any case they are beautiful!
5 new dog breeds still not recognized by the FCI

Some breeds were created centuries ago, while others have only a couple of generations behind them. The new dog breeds that you will find in this article are very interesting crosses. Which do you like best?

What are the new dog breeds?

These new breeds have not yet been registered or recognized by the Fédération cynologique internationale (FCI), let alone have a pedigree of several decades. These new dogs have recently emerged and are crosses between two existing breeds. Discover them with us.

1. Shepherd from Bergamo

It is a breed originating from the Italian Alps used as a shepherd and which, due to its appearance, closely resembles a Hungarian breed called Komondor. It has a very peculiar hair, similar to black, gray or brown dreadlocks, easier to treat than it may seem. Just bathe him three times a year!

The Bergamasco Shepherd (photo that opens the article) is a very patient, intelligent, determined and always alert animal; he can live about 15 years and needs to do a lot of physical activity during the day. If you have children in the house, this dog will love and get along well with them, as well as with other pets.

2. Golden husky

Husky and golden retriever

What can we achieve if we cross a Siberian Husky and a Golden Retriever? Definitely a beautiful animal! The first specimen has as its main feature the blue eyes and the wolfish aspect, while the second is considered the best pet for children due to its sweetness and docility.

The Golden Husky has white fur with black, brown and gray spots, light eyes and the same face as the Golden : tender, with downturned ears and a medium-sized muzzle. Some specimens may have cinnamon-colored fur like Golden Retrievers.

3. Dalmatian dachshund

Dalmatian dachshund

It is one of the most popular new dog breeds of recent times, which attracts attention because its parents are completely opposite. Dalmatians are medium to large in size, while Dachshunds are among the smallest dogs.

The result of this combination is a dog with a Dachshund body, therefore long and with short legs, and a spotted coat like Dalmatians. However, it does not have a white body with black spots, but brown or gray in different shades. As for his temperament, he is playful and active given the breeds of which he is the fruit.

4. Pomsky among the new most particular dog breeds

It is one of the most particular crosses, since also in this case it is the union of a large dog and a small one. The Pomsky is the result of the union of a Pomeranian and a Siberian Husky. One of the new dog breeds most chosen for the small size that allows him to live without problems in the apartment.


It looks like a stuffed animal, especially when it’s still a puppy. The coat is thick like that of huskies and on many occasions also features the famous blue eyes typical of this breed. The largest specimens can weigh up to 15 kilos.

5. Yorkipoo

In this case it is the crossing of a Yorkshire with a Poodle (poodle in English) and the result is an adorable animal that we can take anywhere, given its small size. The Yorkipoo is very handsome and has already been chosen as a new pet by celebrities.


It has a thick and “woolly” coat like that of poodles and a compact body like that of Yorkshire. Its coat is hypoallergenic, making it the perfect breed for allergic people. As for his character, he is very playful, intelligent and attached to his masters. Likes to be indoors, if possible on the bed or sofa.

There are other dog breeds that have emerged as somewhat strange crosses: the German pei (shar pei and German shepherd), the shepherd chow (German shepherd and chow chow) and the schorgi (corgi and shetland sheepdog) are some examples.

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