5 Reasons To Fall In Love With Cats

5 reasons to fall in love with cats

Almost everyone loves dogs, but when it comes to cats, there are two opposing factions: the paladins and the detractors. If you belong to the latter group, we invite you to read this article: we will talk about the reasons for falling in love with cats.

Seductive aesthetics

If you notice, in the world of advertising the image of cats is often used to convey the idea of ​​seduction and elegance. Indeed, who better than cats embodies the essence of charm? It is amazing to observe the sinuous and harmonious movements of these wonderful felines.

But that’s not all, because cats are also excellent hunters, able to clean up mice and other unwanted animals. There is no trap or insecticide more effective than an elegant and charming cat.

Purr that warm the heart

There is nothing better than a purring cat. The ron ron of cats is a real calming, which warms the heart. To smile it is enough to caress these felines and hear how they begin to emit this characteristic “rumbling”.


Also, if the cat is able to snuggle up next to you quietly or sleep peacefully next to you, it means that it feels safe and comfortable with you. And this yes, it is one of the most pleasant sensations in the world.

You don’t have to wash them often

As is well known, cats are almost self-sufficient and do not need frequent baths. In fact, cats are able to wash themselves. Have you tried sniffing your cat after it has undergone a self-cleaning treatment? You haven’t missed anything, the smell is not very pleasant. However, cats love to spend hours and hours licking each other and keeping their coat clean. Be warned though, because a cat that overdoes coat cleaning could probably have some skin disease, or be suffering from a stress-related disorder. Behaviors of this type can in fact be classified as obsessive-compulsive.  

They don’t need a lot of space

Do you live in a small apartment? No problem. Cats are famous for being able to live even in confined spaces, as they can sleep 16-18 hours a day; do not forget that cats sleep for two thirds of their life (we “only” a third). However, in the hours of activity, they must be able to burn the accumulated energies.

Get some toys to keep him entertained, leave the television on: yes, cats love to watch TV. We also recommend that you leave the window open so that they can observe what is happening outside.

If you adopt a cat, you will immediately realize that it is not difficult for him to play and have fun. And if you also teach him to do the toilet in his litter box, then coexistence will be more than serene.


They don’t need a lot of accessories

Cats are the joy of savers. To guarantee your cat a fulfilled and peaceful life, there is no need to spend a lot of money. As we said before, keeping a cat entertained is super easy. Sure, you can buy expensive and complicated toys from pet stores, but the cat will most likely prefer to play with a bag or cardboard box.

If something gets his attention, then that’s it. The cat could play for hours and hours with any object that has intrigued him.

Here, we have shown you 5 good reasons to love cats… and they are not the only ones. We have talked to you about the reasons we prefer, now it’s up to you to discover yours.

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