Did You Know That There Is A Dog Museum In New York?

The Dog Museum of New York is a wonderful place where lovers of this animal can have fun admiring the works dedicated to our splendid four-legged friends.
Did you know that there is a Dog Museum in New York?

Opened in 2019, the New York Dog Museum is truly an innovative and pioneering place. Featuring an impressive collection of artwork, the New York Dog Museum is a tribute to our dear animal friends.

In this article we will talk about the first museum in the world dedicated to dogs and its interesting proposals that combine art with technology.

The first dog museum in the world

The world’s first dog museum is located in New York City thanks to an initiative of the American Kennel Club (AKC). Inside, visitors can observe and enjoy the largest collection of canine art collected to date.

Among the works there are paintings, watercolors, bronze statues, drawings, porcelain statues, engravings, etc. But the vast museum also features decorative objects, interactive works and spaces where art and technology meet and dialogue in harmony.

All the collections have one element in common: the admiration for dogs and their peculiarities. It is very easy to be fascinated by the works while visiting the museum.

Picture representing a puppy dog ​​on top of a suitcase.

Art and education meet in the Dog Museum

In addition to classic and interactive works, the Dog Museum has a library entirely dedicated to dogs. The basic idea is that, in addition to having fun and being enchanted, visitors feel stimulated to get to know man’s best friends better.

The library of the Dog Museum is an invitation to read, which is why it becomes an “obligatory” experience for children. It is also an opportunity for audiences of all ages to learn more about:

  • The history and evolution of the domestic dog.
  • Dog education and training.
  • The creation of dog breeds (the “before” and “after”).
  • The basic knowledge of being responsible dog owners.
  • General literature on dogs and their link with humans.

Technology, a great ally …

The New York Dog Museum uses technology to entertain and also to satisfy the curiosity of its visitors. One of the most appreciated (and successful) moments of the visits is the interactive space “Find your partner”.

In this area of ​​the museum a photo of the visitor is taken and through algorithms the similarity of the subject to one or more dog breeds is found. People’s reactions when they discover their canine counterpart are really funny.

Master who a dog app.

In another interactive space we find a touch screen with a work called “Meet the race”. Here, the visitor can see all the dog breeds recognized by the AKC and learn about their physical characteristics, temperament, history, origins, etc.

In addition, the museum has an interactive application designed especially for children. Using it, the little ones can take a guided tour of the collections in the museum. All under the guidance of Arty, the host dog of the Dog Museum.

Why visit the New York Dog Museum?

The new Dog Museum is the ideal place to be fascinated by the most beautiful works of art dedicated to dogs. Fans and scholars of the animal kingdom have the opportunity to combine learning and fun.

Also, we must not forget that the Dog Museum is located in New York, one of the most visited cities in the world. If you were to find yourself in those parts, do not deny yourself the opportunity to admire the different representations of man’s best friends made over the centuries.

Although many things have changed over the course of human history, the bond between man and dog remains intact in its essence. Visiting the Dog Museum is an experience not to be missed!

Where is the museum located in New York?

The museum is located in downtown Manhattan, in Kalikow Building, at 101 Park Avenue. The building is within walking distance of Grand Central Station. Admission costs $15 and the visitor can stay the whole day inside the museum.

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