Endangered Animals In Central America

Unfortunately, there are many animals that are in danger of extinction. In this article we will focus on those from Central America.
Endangered animals in Central America

Industrialization, hunting, human greed, climate change and many other factors are causing the disappearance of many animal species. In this article, we will talk about the endangered animals in Central America.

Endangered animals in Central America

Squirrel monkey

This little monkey is considered the smallest of the primates. It is so small that it is difficult to avoid softening when you see it. However, in the future it may no longer be possible to find this species in Central America as the destruction of its habitat prevents it from feeding and surviving.

Its body measures about 75 centimeters, but of these, forty belong to the tail. The length and flexibility of its tail allow it to move freely between trees and jump from one to the other without any problem. The color of the fur is in ocher and reddish tones with a characteristic black spot on the face.

Anteater, one of the most curious endangered animals

This curious animal with a tube-shaped snout is one of the most present in Central America, although unfortunately, this will soon change. Its diet is based on ants – hence the name – which it obtains by destroying their nests with its claws.

The destruction of the forests and the habitat in which the anteater lives is causing the number of specimens to be increasingly reduced, which will lead to its disappearance sooner or later.

Walking Armadillo


This animal, which many of us have known thanks to cartoons, is present in all the countries of Central America. However, due to deforestation, it looks like we will soon stop seeing it.

The armadillo features a shell made up of juxtaposed plates that make it easily recognizable. Although there are several species that populate the countries of Central America, these are becoming fewer and soon threaten to disappear. It would be a real shame, don’t you think?

Barrier Reef

One of the characteristics of the seas of Central America is the great aquatic diversity and the beauty that lurks in its depths. Unfortunately, pollution and man-made devastation have made many marine species disappear while others are in serious danger of extinction.

One of these is the coral reef, which decreases visibly: it is estimated that in less than twenty years it will cease to exist in their entirety. Undoubtedly, the Caribbean and Pacific seas without the coral reef would not be the same.


The crocodile, one of the most ferocious reptiles, is present in many countries of Central America. While it may not enjoy much sympathy, it does play its part in nature and needs to survive to maintain the balance of the food chain.

Its natural habitat has been shrinking dramatically over the past few years. As a result, not only the crocodile but also many other animals cannot feed and are gradually disappearing, increasing the list of endangered animals. This means that they will completely disappear at some point.

Quetzal on a tree

Resplendent Quetzal, one of the most beautiful endangered animals

Quetzals are beautiful birds that mainly live in Central America. The colors of their feathers are so beautiful that in many of these countries, specific tours are made to locate them. Seeing a resplendent quetzal is not easy and is becoming increasingly difficult as they are in danger of extinction.

Climate change and deforestation are causing great losses among these birds of paradise characterized by their long tail, beautiful crest and bright colors. It would be a shame if a natural wonder like this ceases to exist.

Sea turtles

Sea turtles are tortoises that come close to the coast when the breeding season arrives. Unfortunately, however, they are disappearing: in fact, the greed of man who disturbs them while they lay their eggs, or who steals them when he has the chance, are the main cause of the extinction of this species.

We don’t like to give news of this kind, in which we announce that the animals we love and that have always been part of our life are in danger of disappearing. It is important to take the initiative to ensure that this does not happen.

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