Cats Love To Be With Their Owners

Cats love to be with their owners

Many people think that cats are grumpy, individualistic, and not very affectionate animals. In our culture in particular, they are associated with symbols of bad luck and there are even those who believe that these beautiful animals are traitors. However, not everything is as it seems.

It is evident that cats have a very different nature from that of dogs. Their survival instinct is specially designed to evade the danger posed by other species that are larger and stronger than themselves. Beyond this, cats are capable of creating a strong bond with humans.

The truth is , cats love being with their owners. Here we will show some demonstrations of the affection these animals can feel towards the human race.

Cats follow their owners

cats love their owners

A fact that many cat owners note is that, while living together, these animals begin to make a habit of following their owners wherever they go.

We get up, go to the bathroom and then move to the kitchen for breakfast. Wherever we go, we notice that someone comes after us, following every movement we make. It is our cat.

There are many hypotheses as to the reason for this behavior. Some believe it is a way of imitating our movements. While another theory indicates that perhaps domestic cats follow their owners to distract themselves.

Cats like to lick us

Some cats get too close to humans. So much so that they get used to licking their bosses’ heads or hair. It’s not a very common thing, but if we make very cautious movements, it can happen.

In fact, cat licking is a way of showing affection and fidelity to other cats in their usual group. But by living with us, they could show us their feelings of affection with the tongue. It is as if they tell us that we are part of their pack.

We must also remember that this act of licking the head and hair is something cats do to clean kittens. It is logical to think that these felines only lick when there is a very strong bond.

Special relationship… with women

It has always been said that single women who reach a certain age end up living with cats. As it turns out, that old stereotype isn’t all that wrong, and there’s a good reason to explain it: Cats form special bonds with women.

A study carried out by scientists from the University of Vienna has shown that reciprocal correspondence relationships develop between women and cats. Cats can interpret their owners’ needs and interact when they need it most.

This study further stated that this species can remember the favors received by their masters, with the intention of rewarding them with affection and companionship.

Cats prefer us

According to another recent study published in the journal Behavioral Processes , these little felines prefer to interact with humans than with any other object. To verify this, the behavior of a group of cats that had been isolated from food, toys and their owners was studied.

After a few hours, the cats that took part in the experiment showed a greater need to interact with their owners than with anything else. The most surprising thing was that some people preferred masters to food.

With this collapses the myth that cats are individualistic animals, mean and detached from people. This is all false!

Most cats sleep on top of their owners

We are sleeping and suddenly the cat climbs on it, on the feet and even on the face. Unlike dogs, cats prefer to sleep close to their owners.

There are many reasons that could explain this behavior. The main one is that cats prefer to sleep in warm places during the night, when temperatures tend to drop significantly.

Cats love to be with their owners. There is a lot of evidence to prove this.

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