The Benefits Of Having A Pet For The Elderly

Why is it nice for older people to have a pet? We show you some of the benefits in this article.
The benefits of having a pet for the elderly

The company of a dog or cat is extremely useful at any time in our life. However, for seniors, having a pet can be the solution to loneliness, avoid routine, stay active, and have someone to take care of. In this article, we talk about the benefits of having a pet for the elderly.

Why is it great to have a pet for the elderly?

Living with a dog or cat is really cool. Their presence makes our lives happy and, therefore, more and more doctors are recommending that the elderly adopt a pet. Among the benefits of having a pet for the elderly are:

1. More physical activity

Even if it involves walking your dog once or twice a day, just getting some exercise will make you feel better. To this we must add the movements necessary to play with the animal. Of course, it is always advisable to take him to a park and take a half hour walk every day, but these parameters can be adapted according to the person’s abilities.

Even in winter, having a pet “forces” us to get out of bed, get dressed and take a walk to meet his needs. This need is perfect for setting aside the sedentary lifestyle typical of the elderly.

2. Less loneliness

For seniors living alone, adopting a pet can be an opportunity to lessen sadness and loneliness. Sharing daily life with a living being who interacts and understands much more than you think helps to cope with pain or any other difficult or sad situation.

3. Feel useful

Another benefit of having a pet for the elderly is avoiding that typical feeling that makes them feel “useless” once they retire. Seniors with dogs or cats feel useful because they know that there is a living being that depends on them. In addition, the attention and care that the animal needs sometimes is what helps to get out of the routine.

Dogs and cats for the elderly

4. Socialize

One of the most common problems for seniors is that they spend many hours indoors, sitting in front of the TV or in bed. If they have the ability to move around and get out of the house, sometimes changing or altering their routine becomes an excuse not to socialize.

The arrival of a dog can restore their desire to interact with other people, to talk to neighbors or to be part of a group with the owners of other pets.

5. Security

Seniors are also recommended to have a pet for home security reasons, especially if the house is very large. Dogs, however small, will immediately alert the owner if they hear an unusual noise or if they recognize an unknown presence. This will make the elderly feel safer and more secure.

6. Having a pet for the elderly improves mood

Another benefit of having a pet for the elderly is that it helps improve mood significantly and reduces stress. Playing for even a few minutes with a dog, getting a thank you lick, or taking a nap together increases the production of endorphins, which are responsible for happiness.

Elderly person caresses a dog

Pet for the elderly: dog or cat?

This is a very common question when a senior is planning to adopt a pet. Everything will depend on the tastes and habits of the person. For example, the cat requires less care and attention, so it is recommended for seniors who cannot walk too much or who live in small houses.

For a dog to be an excellent companion for the elderly, it should not be too active and, as far as possible, small in size, to be able to deal with it more easily. The best breeds are the Yorkshire Terrier, the Boston Terrier and the Cocker Spaniel.

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