The Tender Story Of Felipe And His Guide Dog

The tender story of Felipe and his guide dog

A special guide dog, the dog Nala, a beautiful Golden Retriever, has become the faithful companion of Felipe, an 11-year-old boy. They are inseparable friends.

When Felipe is asked what he wants to be when he grows up, he always replies “I want to set up a mechanical workshop. I’ll wake up early in the morning and when everyone’s still asleep I’ll call Nala and tell her it’s time to go to work. “

Felipe has been blind since birth and was diagnosed with Generalized Developmental Disorder (DGS) of a social and communicative nature when he was only six years old.

Nala, Felipe’s new life partner, was specially trained at the Argentine Guide Dog School (EPGA). An institution that proves to be of great help.

The passion for technology and a dog as a friend

Felipe is a restless kid, loves technology and is very curious. He spends his days between the special school for the blind, thanks to which he can carry out stimulation activities, and the club where he follows swimming lessons, and where he will soon begin to participate in tennis lessons as well.

When Felipe had the idea, as a child, that he could have a guide dog, he initially couldn’t understand how Nala could help him. As he began to discover all the things he could do with his new friend, he became more and more fond of this way of life.

A friendship born in small steps

Source: Facebook page PerrosGuia Leones Quilmes O La Colonia

The friendship that has been established between Felipe and Nola has developed not without some difficulties and challenges that the two have overcome together. Initially, for example, the child did not know how to give her orders. To interact with a guide dog, tone of voice is key.

After a few lessons, the little one learned to adjust his voice to communicate with his new friend.

Regarding his way of communicating with Nala, Felipe said: “I don’t have to get mad at her, but sometimes I have to pretend I am. When I scold her, I act like I’m angry. I also learned never to punish her, neither for short nor long periods ”.

The bond that has been created between Felipe and his guide dog is so strong that when his “working hours” are over, Nala stays with him and follows him everywhere.

If Felipe is at the computer in her room, she snuggles at his feet. When he is in the bathroom, she waits for him at the exit.

Physical and psychological benefits

Nala’s arrival had a very positive impact on Felipe’s sense of responsibility, who had to learn to take care of his new friend / support.

Emotionally, Nala has brought enormous benefits to Felipe’s life. When the little one strokes his hair, in fact, he relaxes and becomes more serene.

What are the benefits of having a guide dog?

This type of dog is trained to guide people who are blind or have severe vision impairments. They can also help with daily chores.

The role of the guide dog is the best known, however there are many other dogs trained for different purposes. Furthermore, to date this is the only legally recognized canine profession. This entails certain rights and privileges unknown to the rest of the dogs, such as the ability to freely access public transport.

Although these dogs can be trained to avoid obstacles, they cannot distinguish, among other things, the color of traffic lights.

In order for the dog to understand the meaning of the traffic light and the green light signal (not based on the color of the light but on the location), it must have high intelligence and must have been trained at advanced levels.

Intensive training

The training period for guide dogs can last up to two years. The training will start from the birth of the animal until it is delivered to its new owner, who must be over 18 years of age.

With respect to specific training, experts inform that not all animals follow the same rhythm. For example, it will change whether the dog has to assist a person in a small town or a large city, with public transport or not, etc.

The “working life” of these dogs normally lasts up to 12 years. After this time, they will undergo a check to check their health conditions.

Source of the images: Facebook page of PerrosGuia Leones Quilmes O La Colonia

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