Cat Friends, What Does Science Say?

The key to becoming friends with cats is to adopt the feline according to its personality, and that it is as similar as possible to that of the owner.
Cat friends, what does science say?

Scientists have discovered the best way to become friends with cats. Some have a reputation for being shy and not getting along well with humans.

While anyone who lives with one of them knows they can be very affectionate, here’s what science says about becoming friends with cats.

Becoming friends with cats according to science

In recent years, many scientific studies on animal behavior have been carried out. Some based on experiments to measure their intelligence and their ability to solve problems and others on how to interact with them.

We want to build on those geared towards becoming cat friends. We have compiled a series of scientific conclusions on the best ways to approach felines or on how to facilitate coexistence with them.

Scientists have come up with unexpected and surprising answers.

1. Let cats take the initiative

Two Swiss studies have drawn the same conclusion:  if you want to be friends with cats, let them approach and be touched. If you stroke them before they give you permission, you have already started off on the wrong foot.

Master kissing cat in his arms

One of the studies was done with 50 different cats:  the animal approached first and tended not to flee if the person sat down and waited for the feline to take the initiative. 

The other research showed that the cat had more time to play with the human if the presentation took place in the aforementioned manner.

2. If the presentation doesn’t go well, give it space

Cats have a very broad body language, and through this they convey many things to us. However,  few people pay attention to the signs that felines show to show that they are annoyed:  wagging their tails or lowering their ears, for example.

If you understand them and allow them to walk away by stopping stroking them, it  is more likely that the next time will be better.

Cat with bowl and straight coat

Cats are affectionate but independent animals:  too much physical contact can oppress them: but if they understand that you stop touching them when they ask for it, they  will be more likely to want caresses that they previously refused.

3. Play with them

A study conducted on cats that were adopted in 2017 showed  that felines prefer to play with people than receive food. Even more so if the game is addictive: this will depend on the preferences of each animal.

Cats are predators and social animals: playing is part of their natural instincts:  if you play with your furry friend and give him the opportunity to hunt small objects, your relationship with him will strengthen,  and the his behavior will improve.

4. Adopt the cat according to your personality

Regarding adoptions, many statistical studies have been carried out: in one, people who have adopted adult cats were interviewed,  and it was discovered that people attribute various personalities to cats according to the color of the hair,  when the physical appearance it does not affect the character in any way.

Cat playing with rope on the carpet

Other research is based on the lives of people who have adopted adult cats: satisfaction with the behavior and relationship with the animal is  considerably better in cases where the human focuses on the personality of the feline before taking it.

Inside animal shelters there is a fundamental rule: for an adoption to be successful, both the personality of the animal and that of the owner must be considered. If you have any doubts, you can welcome the cat for a period to get to know him better. 

5. Don’t take them out for a walk

A study conducted in Italy has shown that  cats that do not have access to the outside and stay indoors all day are more affectionate and docile  with people than those who can go out for a walk.

One cause is attributed to the fact that  cats who go out prefer to do activities at night and sleep during the day, instead of interacting with their family. On the other hand, those who are always indoors sleep at night and play with their bosses during the day.

These are just some of the studies on animal behavior. If you follow these tips, you will become friends with cats. 

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