The 7 Most Independent Dog Breeds

The 7 most independent dog breeds

Psychologist Stanley Coren published a book called “Dog Intelligence” 23 years ago. In his work the expert gives a classification of various races based on the degree of independence and intelligence. It is also thanks to his writing that many researchers and trainers believe that there are dog breeds that are more independent than others.

It’s no secret that dogs are addicted animals. It is no coincidence that they always move in groups and live in urban areas. At best, they are protected by an animal-loving human being.

Aside from that, some breeds stand out for their peace of mind, intelligence and adaptability, obedience and learning ability. Let’s find out which are the 7 most independent dog breeds.

The Poodle always comes home

The Poodle is a rather intelligent dog breed, thanks to its ability to remember people, places and orders. The owners of this dog are the ones who have the least to worry if their dog gets lost. In fact, sooner or later the animal always finds its way home.

This is a type of dog that can go for a walk on its own, even when living in an apartment building. In general, his human neighbors happen to recognize him and guide him back to his home while he smells the way to go. His sense of direction is excellent.

poodle among more independent dog breeds

Golden Retrievers: large but refined

Large dogs are not recommended for apartment and enclosed space living. Unless it’s a Golden Retriever. Its fur is not the only elegant feature of this breed, on the contrary, its gait and its bearing are extremely refined in contrast to the considerable size reached in adulthood.

His character is another prominent feature: the Golden hardly manifest violent or disproportionate attitudes. This is why they are ideal for families with small children. They project their personality with emphasis and this places them in a privileged place in the ranking of the most independent dogs.

The German Shepherd is the best worker among dogs

The dogs trained by the police to sniff out drugs and missing persons are almost always German Shepherds. If trained in the right way, their sense of smell turns into a radar that prevents them from getting lost in any circumstance.

In addition to this, these dogs have traditionally been used in the countryside to carry out arduous herding and flock control jobs. We refer to one of the most intelligent and prepared dogs for any kind of practical learning.

Shetland Sheepdog and his skills as a vigilante

They can live both in a building and in a country house. They are unlikely to be aggressive for no apparent reason.

Reserved with strangers and affectionate with their family members, dogs of this breed are guard dogs by definition. They are able to alert their masters to the sight of intruders thanks to their particular barking. They may have grown up alongside children and are unlikely to be jealous.

Doberman Pinscher

Loyal, active and receptive. Doberman Pinschers are strong muscular built dogs known for their sense of obedience towards humans. Over the past few decades they have been used as a favorite breed by the police.

However, remember that this is considered a protection dog and it is advisable to use a muzzle during the juvenile stage. Training and socialization will make him a model dog, but that will only depend on his owners.

Shih Tzu: the dog of the Chinese emperor

Among the most independent dog breeds, the Shih Tzu stands out. Also known as “lion dogs”, these little friends stand out for their loyalty, pronounced gait and adaptability. They have a peaceful character but remain alert to the presence of strangers.

It is very difficult for a Shih Tzu to stray very far from their owner. Despite their apparent tranquility, they never stop scrutinizing their surroundings, a feature that makes them excellent watchdogs. The curious thing is that the breed was never trained for this purpose, not even at the beginning in its continent of origin, Asia.

black, cream and brown labrador

The Labrador Retriever is also among the most independent dog breeds

To tell the truth, it can be said that all Labrador dogs are quite free, obedient and independent. Recall that they have always been trained to cover vast tracts of land by leading numerous flocks and flocks of sheep.

If what you are looking for is an intelligent, docile, perceptive dog and not willing to get lost in a canine adventure, these are the best alternatives for you.

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