Colloidal Silver For Dogs: Benefits And Contraindications

Colloidal silver is a compound of silver and is a natural remedy that was used in the past. Let’s find out what its benefits are on dogs.
Colloidal silver for dogs: benefits and contraindications

Elements such as gold and silver have been used since ancient times not only for their economic value, but also for their possible healing properties. The use of silver has expanded into many forms, one of which is colloidal silver for dogs.

With the advancement of technology, many ancient therapies are now in disuse due to the long-term side effects. Let’s find out the effects and contraindications of colloidal silver for dogs.

What is colloidal silver?

As its name indicates, colloidal silver consists of a colloid, that is a substance that is at an intermediate stage between solution and dispersion ; in particular it consists of very fine silver particles that are dispersed, usually through a solvent (distilled water):

Colloidal silver is obtained through an electrolysis process that causes the silver particles to charge and repel each other, causing them to remain suspended in the solution.

Properties of colloidal silver

In addition to the physical and chemical properties already mentioned, colloidal silver leads to a number of effects when it reacts with live organisms:

  • Bactericidal: since the middle of the last century it has been used as an antiseptic in medicine, although it has been replaced by the introduction of modern antibiotics.
  • Bacteriostatic: prevents the reproduction of bacteria.
  • Antiviral: Silver nanoparticles can inactivate certain viruses such as distemper in dogs or hepatitis B.
  • Antifungal: the silver particles have an inhibitory effect on the growth of fungi and candidiasis.
  • Neutralization of toxic elements: silver is an element that joins toxins and helps to expel them.

Is it good to use colloidal silver in dogs?

Use in history

Nowadays, the use of colloidal silver is at the center of the debate as its side effects are severe enough to cast doubt on its effectiveness as a risk-free therapy. Despite this, there are documented cases of its use to treat some disorders and there are not a few pseudo-therapists who support its effectiveness.

To treat infections

Thanks to its antibacterial properties, colloidal silver has been used to treat infections caused by bacteria, such as skin infections.

As a treatment for viral diseases

Tens of years ago, colloidal silver was used to treat diseases such as distemper or hepatitis B in dogs, and also in other animals such as monkeys or cattle. Thanks to its action against pathogens such as viruses and bacteria, in fact, it has served to obtain excellent results.

For this reason this element has made a comeback in recent years. However, its toxic side effects are also known, which mean that in medicine it is not considered a completely safe and effective treatment, becoming rather an alternative medicine.

Dog at the vet

The best way to avoid serious illnesses in dogs is to prevent them by vaccinating them from a young age. It is very important to complete the whole vaccination and booster picture in time.

If unfortunately your dog contracts a serious illness such as distemper, parvo or hepatitis, take the animal immediately to the vet as soon as you notice the first symptoms.

The vet is the only one who can give you the safest and most effective solution to treat your pet’s diseases. And if you are not satisfied with the proposed solution, you can always ask for alternative opinions before using alternative therapies on your own.

Toxic effects of colloidal silver

  • Argyria. The accumulation of silver can cause changes in the color of the skin and other organs, giving the dog a grayish appearance.
  • Accumulation of metals. Although the rate of excretion via the urine or bile is high in dogs, some is retained in the stomach and other parts of the body.
  • Some clinical experiments involving the implementation of colloidal silver and silver nanoparticles in dogs, birds and rodents have led to alterations in the digestive, reproductive, cardiovascular and neuro-hormonal systems.

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