Little Dog Saves Her Blind Mistress’s Life

Little dog saves her blind mistress's life

The common denominator of every heroic act is none other than the courage and stubbornness of those who risk their lives to save that of a loved one. Sometimes we find these qualities in a person, but it is among dogs that they always find space, in situations in which most people would run away.

This premise is a must to tell the true story of Yolanda, a beautiful Golden Retriever trained to call 911 in case her mistress is in danger, and who, instead of following her own survival instinct and saving herself, he faced danger bravely to save her from a fire that could have cost them both their lives.

The incident took place one night in the city of Holmesburg. Maria Colón, a 60-year-old blind lady, decided to go to bed not realizing the danger that was already creeping into her home and that only her dog could perceive.

That night her basement caught fire due to a gas leak that had originated a few minutes earlier, which neither she nor the person who had come to visit her had noticed.

Faced with the imminent danger, Yolanda managed to get in touch with the relief agencies, who arrived just in time to save the woman, when the residence was already in flames. Maria and her host needed medical assistance because they had inhaled a lot of smoke, while the dog was taken to the vet due to an eye injury.

After their recovery, the dog and her mistress found each other knowing full well that, were it not for Yolanda’s courage, they would both have lost their lives.

After the terrible fire they had to change residence and were helped by organizations such as the American Red Cross and the Red Paw. The beautiful Golden Retriever was rewarded not only with treats, games and food, but also with the respect and recognition of the entire community for her unrivaled courage.

The most incredible thing, however, is that this was not the first time that Yolanda saved the life of her mistress. In fact, the heroic acts of this dog are not limited to this event, but there have been others even more delicate.  

More displays of Yolanda’s courage


Another very compromising situation occurred a few years earlier, when Maria stumbled, fell to the ground causing a bad wound, and remained unconscious.  Again, Yolanda called 911 and stayed by her mistress’s side until help arrived and revived her.

The second occasion was probably the worst because third parties were involved. Just like on the occasion of the fire, the place where the events took place was the basement. In fact, two men illegally entered the woman’s residence through this area of ​​the house.

When she realized the situation, Yolanda closed the door of the room of her mistress who was sleeping, called for help and put the criminals to flight, who left the boiler gas open before fleeing.

Upon hearing these noises, Maria immediately called 911, which informed her that help was on the way because her dog had already “called” them.

Once they arrived at the woman’s house, they spotted the gas leak and were just in time to prevent the worst from happening. As expected, Yolanda got all the credit again, thanks to her great courage.

An example to follow


If in life there are those who take care of watching over the safety, tranquility and stability of the people who need it most, this dog is a living example of how to act with those who, for exceptional situations, need our help.

Today they both continue to live together, enjoying every moment of each other’s company, knowing full well that neither will ever disappoint the other.

Dogs not only exist to give us affection and to have fun, but also to keep us safe, even when we least expect it. And if you don’t believe it, you just have to ask Yolanda and Maria.

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