How To Identify Insect Bites?

How to identify insect bites?

Have you ever been bitten by a mosquito, a flea or a spider? Each species leaves a characteristic mark that is very important to recognize in order to choose the appropriate treatment. In this article we will tell you how to identify insect bites.

Identify insect bites based on the places they frequent

One of the best ways to identify the insect that has stung you  is to remember the places you’ve been in the last few days.

If you’ve spent a day in a meadow, an ant or a mosquito may have pinched you; if there was a garbage pail or trees around you, it could be a fly, a bee or a wasp; if you’ve been to the beach, a sand flea might have bitten you.

If you have a dog at home, you may have been bitten by a tick or flea; if you were bitten during the night, it could be a bed bug or a spider.

Identify the insect bites by the mark left

The most visible symptom of contact with an insect is a small red bump that causes itching.

woman scratching herself insect bite

  • The  mosquito   bite is the best known: a white dot surrounded by a red circle.
  • The  flea  bite is similar, but several appear in a certain area (especially on the legs).
  • A  bedbug  bite is a small red bump that may have a blister and form “lines” with two or three marks.
  • The ant  sting  causes a great burning in the whole area and fills with pus.
  • The scorpion sting  a non-insect worth mentioning, causes redness, pain and numbness.
  • The louse  sting  looks like a blister on the head or nape and is very annoying. You will realize this because you will scratch your scalp with desperation.

The spider bite will depend on the type of arachnid. If you have two small marks, it could be that of the black widow or if the bubble is round, it is certainly a sting from a brown hermit. Spiders can sting with all their paws at the same time and leave many marks.

Identify insect bites through the presence of “foreign bodies”

In the event that you are stung by a hymenoptera, you will instantly feel a sharp pain and a strong itch. You can see a reddish mark and a white spot in the center where the sting has pierced the skin and is still there.

To remove it, we recommend that you sprinkle the area with mud and grab it with pliers, never with your fingers, to prevent it from breaking, leaving a part inside.

bee stinging

In the case of the tick, this parasite remains attached to its “host” while it feeds, and does not change position. The stings are painless and the only way to spot them is to observe the area.

To remove the insect, wet a piece of cotton wool with alcohol and put pressure on the place where the animal is. This way it will come off on its own and you will prevent it from leaving any wounds.

How to treat an insect bite?

In most cases, insect bites cause discomfort, redness and itching,  but they can be treated with simple remedies: soap and water, ice or specific creams.

If you are allergic to any insects  or if the animal is poisonous or can transmit some disease, the symptoms will be more intense and you will need to see a doctor. You need to pay close attention to skin changes, if you have a fever or if you find it hard to breathe.

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