Australian Mist Cat, A Sociable Meower

Australian Mist cat, a sociable meower

Friendly, playful and with the meow always ready to surface. Today we will talk about the Australian Mist,  a feline that is the result of the crossing between various breeds. It is a sociable, nice, affectionate animal with a particular hair. Here are the characteristics of the beautiful cat with the name meaning “Australian fog”.

1970s and Australian

The breed is native to Australia. In the mid-1970s  its creator, Truda Straede, crossed specimens of: 

  • Burmese
  • Abyssinian
  • European cat

At first it was called Spotted Mist. In 1998 the current name was adopted because, as the breed developed, more colors appeared.

Nowadays, the Australian Mist  is about to be recognized by major feline associations, and is becoming popular outside of Oceania as well. 

Australian Mist puppies

Physical appearance of the breed

The kittens of this domestic feline are generally robust,  but when they grow up they acquire the appearance of a normal cat. Here are other physical characteristics:

  • Size: medium.
  • Weight: between 3 and 6 kg in males, and between 2 and 5 in females.
  • Body: muscular and strong.
  • Hair: short, shiny and silky.
  • Head: round and of medium size, with a strong chin.
  • Eyes: expressive, large, slightly rounded and of different shades of green.
  • Nose: wide and long.
  • Ears: medium, with a wide base and rounded tip.
  • Legs: of medium length, muscular, strong and with oval-shaped claws. 
  • Tail: long, tapering towards the tip.

    Colors and shades of the Australian Mist

    There are various colors presented by this breed of cat that meows a lot:

    • Blue
    • Brown
    • Chocolate
    • Lilac
    • Caramel
    • Gold
    • Fishing

    A cat that adapts to circumstances

    The Australian Mist is the ideal feline to live with small children. In addition to his good character, he is not aggressive and is very tolerant.

    Australian Mist puppy

    It is a cat that has no problem adapting to different environments,  from a large house to a small apartment.

    Active, outgoing, affectionate and very sweet, he loves the company of his human family. He also coexists peacefully with other animals,  especially if he is neutered.

    However,  he does not like being alone indoors and wants to play continuously with his master. This is a factor to take into account if you want to adopt this breed.

    Australian Mist: healthy and very clean

    This cat can live up to 15-18 years. He is in good health,  although he can suffer from urinary tract and eye problems.

    In any case,  periodic visits to the vet are necessary to check that everything is fine and to respect the schedule of vaccinations and pesticides. Also make sure you are feeding him the right way for his age and lifestyle.

    Australian Mist does not need specific care. As a cat he is very clean, and sheds little hair so it will be enough to brush him every now and then. 

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