The Siamese Cat, Blue-eyed Beauty

The Siamese cat, blue-eyed beauty

From a creepy cat in the movies, to a specimen with wonderful blue eyes: slender, faithful and restless, the Siamese cat belongs to one of the most widespread cat breeds. If you have one of these magnificent cats at home as a pet or if you are simply intrigued by this breed, we invite you to find out more in the following article.

Although the precise origins of this breed are not certain, traces of it are found in very ancient Thai records (from around 1350). But Siamese cats as we know them today are very different from their ancestors. For example, in antique prints you can see images of Siamese cats with a brindle coat and darker paws. These are the characteristics of a wild cat, from which it can be deduced that its origin is the forest.


Physical characteristics

Modern Siamese are medium-sized cats and reach approximately 30 cm. Cats of this breed are known to be strong and muscular, but also have a fine line, a trait selected by modern breeders who have tried to keep the Asian traits in the breed.

A peculiar characteristic of this cat is its way of walking, considered by many to be refined. No doubt this is due to the fact that the hind legs are slightly longer than the front ones, which affects (and not negatively) its gait.

Another peculiarity is its pointed ears and triangular nose. The tail must end in a point and it is considered a defect if it ends with a curve. The breed standard is that the coat is very short and thin, although long-haired specimens can be found that are equally beautiful.

The gene responsible for the characteristic color of the Siamese, as well as its blue eyes, is recessive and is only passed on to puppies if both parents have it. Therefore the crosses between specimens of this breed could lead to some surprises.




Much of the success of this breed and its worldwide spread is mainly due to the fact that they are strong and cheerful cats, as well as being very affectionate and attached to their owners. In fact, Siamese develop strong bonds with the owner and when you consider that they are also generally impatient, you will understand why they make themselves feel very strong when they ask for affection or food.

They are ideal cats for those who can devote a lot of time and attention to them. The intelligence of this breed leads them to have well-developed language, ranging from body expression to meowing. If you are considering taking a Siamese cat with you, you better not be too bothered by noises, as they will use a variety of them to get your attention.

It is not a breed that loves to dominate and tends to pay more attention to the owners than to the defense of the territory. They generally tend to become more attached to a family member, following them everywhere and even letting themselves be put on a leash.


Health and assistance

Siamese cat

Siamese cats are full of energy, which is why they need a master willing to participate in his games, which are  important for keeping their muscles toned. The education to be given to them must be constant, firm and clear, especially when limits are desired. Otherwise the cat will end up hanging on the curtains or jumping all over the place. Keep in mind that it is a very nervous animal, training it with brusque or violent ways will only worsen this characteristic.


Taking care of the coat will certainly be easier with short-haired specimens, as it will be sufficient to brush it twice a week. If you are a longhaired Siamese, you will need more time and attention, and will also be more likely to suffer from allergies.

In general it is a cat that enjoys good health, you just have to pay attention to respiratory diseases, which are announced with sneezing, secretions and apathy.

They are also prone to heart disease and gain weight over the years. As we age, the coat tends to get darker and the cat loses some energy. A well-kept Siamese can live more than 15 years; regularly check his eyes, ears and teeth after he is 7 years of age: they could run into problems, easily avoidable with regular visits to the vet.

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