Cat Breeds That Do Not Cause Allergies

Felines are thought to cause allergies to their fur, however, the main cause is the Fel D1 protein, which is found in the animal’s skin and saliva.
Cat breeds that do not cause allergies

You’ve been told that you have a pet allergy to some pet’s coat, but are you determined to have one? There are pets that do not cause allergies.

Don’t miss this article. We will introduce you to cat breeds that do not cause allergies … and everything you need to know about them.

Which cats do not cause allergies?

Those who are allergic to cats probably believe that they will never have one in their home and decide not to adopt them, to abandon them and give them away to someone to take care of them.

Most allergies are due to a protein called Fel D1, which is present in the skin and saliva of the animal and not in the fur! Cats that do not cause allergic reactions produce less of this substance and are therefore recommended:

1. Siberian cat

If you are faced with this cat you will not start sneezing and you will understand that it is not the fur that causes the allergy. .. This breed is really hairy! However, it is one of the most recommended cats for allergy sufferers.

The Siberian cat – photo above – is beautiful, loyal, docile and likes to spend hours next to his owner, playing, even when he is no longer a puppy. Due to the characteristics of the coat and to prevent knots from forming, its hair should be brushed once a week.

2. Devon rex

It has shorter hair than most cats, but that is not why it is recommended for all allergy sufferers.

The reason lies in the production of the Fel D1. It must be said that it is a breed that sheds very little hair and therefore causes very few sneezing and other symptoms of respiratory origin.

Devon rex

The Devon rex is a feline that prefers company to be happy. He can have a tendency to be destructive if he is left alone or has nothing to play with (such as another cat).

It needs special attention in the care of the ear canal, since it produces excessive ear wax.

3. Balinese

Similar to the Siamese, but a little more robust, it is a cat that does not cause allergic reactions despite its large and long coat.

It does not require particular attention because the hair is often renewed. A few weekly brushes will be enough to avoid knots.


The Balinese is friendly, playful and loves company, ideal for those who have a sedentary lifestyle and spend many hours on the sofa or in the bedroom on weekends. He doesn’t like being left alone and can meow a lot if he’s not in company .

4. Long-haired Oriental

It is one of the ideal breeds for allergic people. It is characterized by the typical elegance of the oriental cat and the Siamese, but has a longer hair. Its coat is thin, silky and can be of any color.

Gatto orientale

The long-haired Oriental is the most independent on our list and doesn’t need company all the time. In addition, he likes to spend hours alone to have fun, play and live his own adventures .

5. Russian blue

Did you know that this cat is one of those that does not cause allergies? The reason is its thick coat! That’s right! The density of its coat ensures that the allergens produced ‘remain trapped’ between the skin and the hair, reducing their contact with people and the environment.

Blu di Russia

Russian Blue has a ‘spongy’ appearance and is medium in size. Attention immediately falls on its green eyes and its large tail.

It is an intelligent cat and its character is affectionate. It is therefore ideal for apartment living with a human family.

In addition to introducing you to cats that do not cause allergies, we want to point out that there are cats that produce much more secretions than others, especially if they are not neutered. Additionally, puppies cause fewer allergic reactions than adults.

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