The “still” Order In Canine Training

The "stop" order in canine training

The “stop” order in canine training indicates that the dog must not move from the position it is in.  It is useful in situations where you do not want the dog to go outside without your permission. It is an easy order to teach. In general, the orders will save you a lot of headaches because they educate the dog to obey. Below we will reveal some tips that you can put into practice with your dog.

When to resort to the “firm” order?



To teach your dog the “stop” command, you don’t need any specific tools.  You just have to arm yourself with patience and have some prizes on hand, for example a package of croquettes. It is important for the dog to learn this order.

We must not forget that to succeed, the dog must feel safe and must associate the word with something positive. When you say “stop” and the dog responds, he must be rewarded. There is nothing better than a handful of his favorite croquettes or a mouth-watering snack. You will notice that this incentive motivates the dog, making it easier to adapt to the command.

In general, it is recommended that this command be taught to him from an early age.  Puppies learn this order very quickly. For this reason it is important to teach them right away. In the case of adult dogs, you need to be more patient. It is not a mission impossible. With affection and commitment, he will surely obey the command, it will take more time, of course.

The “stop” canine training command can be useful in many situations. You can use it before the dog goes out into the yard or before going out for a walk. It can also be used before feeding it. In this way, you will be able to control his anxiety, and prevent him from jumping on you, because he understands that he only has to wait a few seconds and he will have his ration of kibble.

The word “still” is very effective especially if you have several dogs in the house.  Imagine that someone rings the intercom and that all the dogs go to the door, or jump on the guest. Worse still, you are in the car and they all jump out of the car at the same time.

This canine training word is also used when the dog has to wait outside a store. By giving him this order, the dog will try to remain calm for a few seconds. It is not very effective, but it can be used. Remember: if you have to go to a shop where pets are not allowed, try to put in as little time as possible or leave the dog at home. You will prevent the dog from stressing, from being attacked by another dog or, even worse, from someone trying to steal it.

How to use?


This canine training command is very easy to use. There is no need for separate training. For example, when your dog is ready to go out, start saying the word “stay”. You open the door little by little, and if he rushes out, close the door and say the command again. Each time you give the order, you open the door a little and if the dog rushes headlong, you close it again.

In the early stages of training, the prize, as we have said, is very important. You must have a couple of kibble on hand that you will give to the dog every time he obeys the command.

In case you tell the dog to stay and he ignores you, you can use  a word that makes him understand that he will be happy if he obeys the order. You might say words like “free” or “go free”.

Once your dog begins to “sit still” when you order him, let him wait a little longer before untying him.  Little by little you begin to open the door. After doing this exercise for a few days, your dog should be able to stay still even with the door open until you tell him “free” or “go” letting him know that this way, he can already leave the house.

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