That’s Why Cats Drink Little Water

This is why cats drink little water

If you have adopted a small feline at home, you know very well that cats drink very little water. Especially when comparing it to other pets, such as dogs. The few times they drink we often see them prefer running tap water. Today we will reveal the reasons why cats tend to drink little.

Why do cats drink too little water?

This is why cats drink little water

First, it must be borne in mind that cats have a special relationship with water. It is known that they do not like to be washed or bathed, and they also have very different physiological characteristics from their fellow dogs. The metabolism of these little cats is perfect for working with little water. Without forgetting the ability of these animals to concentrate their urine to reduce the loss of liquids from their bodies.

The ancestors of cats populated largely desert areas, places where water scarcity was a constant. It is precisely since then that these and all felines have simply exploited the liquids present in the fresh meat of their prey. Even after the domestication of the cat, these prerogatives were maintained. They drink less water simply because their bodies need little water to function.

Being strictly carnivorous animals, their energy source derives exclusively from ingested meat proteins. Not like other mammals, such as humans, whose calorie source also comes from fats and carbohydrates. A diet that obviously requires a greater intake of water.

How much water should a cat drink?

You don’t have to worry if your cat drinks too little. There is no average amount that works for each specimen, so relax. Generally speaking, a domestic feline gets 50 to 100 milliliters of water per day.

The amount of water a cat needs to take  depends on various factors :

  • Weight
  • The dimension
  • The age
  • Physical activity performed
  • The time of year
  • The type of food offered to him (dry or wet).

What we advise you as owners to do is encourage the consumption of liquids, to keep the cat in good health. This will improve the functioning of the organism and kidneys, avoiding problems in the digestive or kidney (urinary tract).

The wet food cans are a perfect food supplement for cats that do not like to drink plenty of water. You can alternate them with treats and dry food, to prevent the animal from getting used to eating only these.

Cats prefer to drink running water

This is why cats drink little water

Usually, next to the food bowl, another one with water is placed. Yet, surely more than once, you will have observed your cat drinking from the kitchen faucet or even from that of the bathtub or bidet. How come? It is even funny to see the cat waiting for a few drops to fall instead of drinking directly from the full bowl.

Every owner knows perfectly well that the cat is a very clean animal. Even with respect to food, these cats are very demanding. The explanation for this behavior is soon explained. The cat loves to drink fresh, running water and it is normal for them to look for it where it flows. On the contrary, he does not like to drink with the water, quite stale, of the bowl. Especially if you leave it in heated areas or don’t change it frequently. Also, keep in mind that metal or plastic containers, especially new ones, can give an unpleasant taste to this liquid.

Let’s now see some tips to solve the problem. To get your cat to drink enough, you can:

  • Buy a source of continuous running water;
  • Use porcelain or glass bowls;
  • Place more bowls where the cat likes to be.

Remember that these animals are quite lazy and making the bowl with water more comfortable and accessible will certainly favor its use. The last recommendation is to never leave the bowl with water next to the litter box or near the food one. When cats hunt and eat, they move away from water sources to avoid contamination. The same must also happen for the baby food you give him.

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