Do You Know The Shar Pei?

Do you know the Shar Pei?

Many people know this beautiful dog breed, but perhaps they are ignorant of its name. It is called Shar Pei, the dog that with its wrinkles makes children and adults fall in love. Perhaps he will be prettier when he is a puppy, however, as he grows up he retains some of his wrinkles and takes on an elegant and somewhat haughty bearing. Would you like to know him better?

Origins of the Shar Pei

Shar Pei (1)

The Shar Pei breed is native to China and the first traces date back to 206 BC. It was the symbol of the Han dynasty and its name in Chinese means “skin of sand”. A very appropriate name for this dog whose wrinkles are reminiscent, in shape and color, of the desert dunes. Initially it was used as a guardian of the tombs, later as a fighting and defense dog and, finally, as a companion animal.

When the Chinese Communist dictatorship was established in the 1960s, this race was in danger of extinction. The regime, in fact, carried out an atrocious persecution against dogs, considered a symbol of those they despised; furthermore, the propaganda claimed that raising a dog was a waste of food.

At the end of the 1970s, the Guinness Book of World Records listed the Shar Pei as the rarest purebred dog in the world.

Many assure that the Shar Pei is a cross between the Tibetan Shepherd and the Chow Chow, since it shares many characteristics with both, but has not yet been proven.

Characteristics of the Shar Pei

Undoubtedly, the most striking feature of the Shar Pei is its wrinkles. The puppy has folds all over his body and it is almost impossible to resist the temptation to pinch them. The most characteristic wrinkles are those of the forehead, for the Chinese a symbol of longevity.

There are two types of Shar Pei:

  • American. It is smaller but more robust, with much more pronounced wrinkles. The muzzle is thicker and has a little longer hair than the traditional type.
  • Traditional or Chinese. It is leaner, typically taller and with straight legs. The hair is shorter.

The hair can be of any color, but always uniform. There are no Shar Pei of two or more colors. Although the most common color is golden, there is another highly sought after and highly rated color: the chocolate shade. This is because there are fewer specimens in circulation.


It has a character similar to that of cats : serene, very calm, even scratching while playing, just like a feline. She is very independent, and although she is attached to all family members, only one will be considered the master.

When they are puppies, Shar Pei are quite disobedient, but this trait changes as they grow up. This is a factor to consider if you are considering getting one: towards strangers, this breed tends to show some indifference. 

He is a bit of a willful and sometimes arrogant dog and perhaps, when he is still a puppy, you will need to take some training lessons. Treating him harshly or educating him with corporal punishment is not a good idea because, in addition to being unfair, it leads him to become aggressive. He is  an excellent watchdog, yet affectionate and tender with family members.

His overbearing character leads him, with other dogs, to want to be the boss. To temper this attitude it is essential to help your Shar Pei to socialize from a young age.

Shar Pei care

Shar Pei

The Shar Pei does not require more attention than other dogs. Despite the myth that it is necessary to wash the dog’s wrinkles daily to prevent it from contracting diseases, the Shar Pei is no longer prone to get sick than other dogs. It is true that the  folds of the skin are an ideal hiding place for ticks and other parasites, so it is advisable to use an anti-parasite spray, at least once a week.

The hair of the Shar Pei must never be cut, one of the reasons is the difficulty of reaching the inside of the wrinkles, with the risk of hurting them. It will be enough to brush it once a week.

The eyes should be washed every morning with the special lotion or with chamomile water, since, due to wrinkles, they tend to accumulate a lot of secretions and these can cause infections.

Finally, the ears are very delicate. Their shape and position mean that the ear canal is small and quickly ends up filling with dirt or earwax. They should be checked regularly and the earwax should be removed as soon as it becomes visible. If you notice an unusual smell coming from inside the pet’s ears, take him to the vet right away.

The Shar Pei is a good choice if you are looking for a loyal, quiet, beautiful and elegant dog. 

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