How Does A German Shepherd Feed?

How does a German Shepherd feed?

The German Shepherd is a dog famous for its loyalty and recklessness. It is a dog breed that needs a lot of daily exercise although, as it gets older, the required physical activity is reduced. For this reason, the food needs of the German Shepherd vary over time. To draw up a nutritional plan for your pet you will need to take into consideration the particular needs of your dog, but always considering the needs of the breed in general.

Energy and calorie needs


Large dog breeds usually require more exercise than small breeds. However, among the larger breeds, German Shepherds need less exercise than other dogs of the same size. These can maintain a healthy weight and activity level through daily walks and a few runs in the park every now and then. Puppies, on the other hand, have energy to spare and therefore need a diet rich in proteins and calories. As your dog grows, his diet will need to be adjusted to prevent him from becoming overweight, although protein is still a key component.

When a dog’s diet is based on the level of physical activity, the total calorie content must be taken into account, not the volume and quantity of the food. Feeding a dog based on the amount of exercise he does is not the proper way to keep him healthy. If you believe that your dog is eating too many calories or too few, consult your veterinarian to develop an adequate feeding plan, always remembering that this will have to be adapted to the various stages of your dog’s life.

Regardless of your dog’s age or activity, German Shepherds require a high protein diet. Proteins are essential for them as they provide them with energy and are necessary for the production of hormones. It is important to choose the quality of the protein when choosing the food: when possible, make sure that the main source of protein comes from animal origins, rather than plants.

Keep skin and coat healthy

The double coat with undercoat of the German Shepherd serves this breed to protect itself from exposure to natural elements, considering in fact that they are shepherd dogs. The last layer of hair can be smooth or wavy and falls off throughout the year, although in some periods such as spring and autumn it is thicker, when the dog sheds its fur. Brushing your hair regularly can help control excessive hair loss.

While it is not always easy to know the reasons behind excessive shedding, it is very likely that if it feels strange to the touch or if your dog scratches excessively, the diet may be responsible. A clean and healthy hair and skin are due to the fats and oils that derive from its diet; Dogs on a low-fat diet tend to have a lot of skin problems. Choose foods rich in omega fatty acids and vitamin E to keep her coat beautiful and healthy.

Potential health risks related to food


The average lifespan of a German Shepherd ranges from 10 to 13 years. They are dogs prone to certain health problems such as allergies, Cushing’s disease, hyperthyroidism and epilepsy. Due to their large size they can easily suffer from arthritis and hip dysplasia. Both of these conditions cannot be prevented or treated, but they can be managed through a diet with the right levels of chondroitin and glucosamine. Weight gain can also help, although sometimes a slight overweight can cause the German Shepherd to cause joint disease and other major ailments. Always check the amount of calories ingested.

Things to consider

The specific needs of each German Shepherd change according to age, level of physical activity and his health. This breed generally requires a diet rich in protein and vitamins A, D, E, and K. In order for it to absorb these nutrients it must ingest fats such as Omega-3 and Omega-6. Due to the fact that they are considered to be a large breed, the diet of these dogs must be aimed at joint health, so as not to cause problems for the rest of their lives.

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