Collembola: How Do They Contribute To The Cleaning Of The Terrarium?

Spring springs are a great choice for keeping a terrarium clean while minimizing human interaction. They constitute the fundamental component of a bioactive plant.
Collembola: how do they contribute to the cleaning of the terrarium?

Collembola (order  Collembola ) are animals that belong to the superclass of hexapods : in other words, they share the same taxonomic unit with insects. The main difference between them is that insects develop wings, while springtails do not. The latter, however, have three pairs of legs.

These tiny beings make excellent terrarium cleaners. They are easy to keep and help to keep the ecosystem cleaner and, consequently, to make sure that even the animals that live inside it, such as reptiles or amphibians, are healthier. In the following lines we show you how these small arthropods manage to keep the terrarium clean.

Why do springtails keep the terrarium clean?

In the natural environment, springtails have colonized the entire world, including Antarctica. There are more than 7,000 known species; as a result, there is a considerable variety available among those that can live adequately in different types of terrariums.

It would certainly be a rather strange occurrence for a person to own a terrarium placed in a frozen ecosystem. Nevertheless, for the most common types of nurseries, such as tropical, temperate and dry ones, there is a great variety of springtails that make up a group of natural cleaners.

Whatever the type of terrarium, these animals occupy a very specific place within the food chain: the detrivorous part. The diet of these arthropods is based on dead organic matter, within which we can find the following elements:

  • Remains of food that has been discarded from reptiles or amphibians, whether of plant or animal origin.
  • Dead leaves, branches and roots inside the terrarium that started the degradation process.
  • Feces of the animals that live in the terrarium.

    Tropical terrarium with springtails.

    Since the colony of springtails feeds on these remains, the appearance of decomposing bacteria harmful to animals is avoided, as well as the presence of other pathogens, such as terrestrial bloodsucking mites.

    Finally, springtails also feed on mushrooms. In temperate terrariums (but especially in humid ones) many fungi proliferate which could become a serious problem for animal health. These small invertebrates are avid devourers of fungi and are able to contain their development, causing the terrarium to require less frequent cleaning.

    When there are not enough mushrooms for their nutrition, springtails base their diet on mold. Mold can appear in any terrarium and, in some cases, can cause the appearance of respiratory diseases in pets; consequently, eliminating it is of paramount importance.

    How are terrarium cleaners bred?

    The breeding of the springtail is easy, since it reproduces quickly and has few needs, beyond the presence of a humid place in which to hide, if it needs it. Nevertheless, it must be taken into account that these arthropods can be a scourge for pot plants in the home. Therefore, seal the growing plants and the terrariums in which you place them well.

    Collembola are readily available in specialized stores and through the Internet. When they arrive, they can be placed directly into the terrarium along with the piece of damp cardboard or charcoal with which they are usually transported.

    Once inside the terrarium, springtails need a few days to acclimatize, but they immediately begin to devote themselves to searching for food on the substrate and eliminating annoying mold, as well as waste produced by pets.

    It is not wrong to occasionally give food to springtails. Sometimes, the amount of waste is not enough to feed the colony; therefore, it is a good idea to introduce some 100% pure brewer’s yeast.

    Other people, on the other hand, decide to buy a crop and develop the colony in a separate plant. Performing this operation is very simple: just place solid charcoal inside a tupperware  with the lid on which there have been holes for ventilation, filling it halfway with water.

    Coal supplies the springtails with the necessary organic matter, while evaporating water provides a humid environment.

    How can you remove springtails from the terrarium?

    On certain occasions, the environment present in the terrarium is so favorable that springtails grow excessively, to the point that they could be a problem for the balance of the ecosystem. At this point, it is very difficult, if not nearly impossible, to remove animals with your hands.

    For this purpose, should this problem arise, you can perform several actions:

    • Stop feeding springtails with extra food.
    • Empty the terrarium of pets and decorative elements. Then add some water and tilt the terrarium so that all the water collects against one edge. Spring springs float and it will therefore be easy to grasp them.

      Collembolo specimen.

      As we have seen, springtails are perfect for keeping the terrarium free from fungus or mold infestations, as well as for eliminating pet waste. Remember that, before introducing any new species, it is necessary to be very well informed about the new relationships that will be created within the ecosystem.

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