Making Homemade Dog Toothpaste

Making homemade dog toothpaste

The cleaning of the teeth of the dog is something that often is not given due importance. On the contrary, canine oral hygiene is very important, because the bacteria that are formed, in a poorly cared for mouth, can promote infections with very harmful consequences for the general health of the animal. For this reason, we have decided to teach you how to make a real homemade dog toothpaste.

Many times, dog products sold in specialty stores and department stores are expensive and ineffective. Here then it is worth resorting to some home remedies. In addition to solving the problem, it will even allow you to pass the time and have fun. Follow the steps below and you can fight plaque, bad breath and other problems affecting your best friend’s teeth.

It’s easy to make homemade dog toothpaste

There are several ways to make this toothpaste, and all of them are effective in killing bacteria and preventing tartar build-up . Here are some useful tips:

Bicarbonate, an ally for the oral hygiene of dogs

Bicarbonate has always been very useful for people’s oral hygiene. The time has come for pets to take advantage of its many benefits as well. Here is a standard recipe  for making a very effective homemade toothpaste for dogs. You will only need:

  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda.
  • 1 teaspoon of water or chicken broth, which will give a more pleasant flavor.
  • A little coconut oil.
  • Cinnamon, to promote good breath.
  • Two drops of colloidal silver to kill bacteria.

Mix all the ingredients, pour the mixture into a glass jar and store it in the refrigerator, especially if you have also used chicken broth. Spread the DIY toothpaste   on your dog’s toothbrush and start cleaning the teeth, rubbing in a circular and firm way, being careful not to annoy the animal too much.

a master does the grooming of a poodle

Each of these components has a specific function. We’ve seen them together in the standard recipe  , but they can also work if you want to make  other homemade dog toothpastes. Let’s see these alternatives, together:

Colloidal silver (alone)

Colloidal silver is known for its anti-bacterial properties. It has proven to be very effective and, therefore, using it inside a dog toothpaste is definitely a great idea. Sometimes, just applying a few drops on the toothbrush and brushing your pet’s teeth directly.

Coconut oil

Another recipe for your dog toothpaste includes: mint, baking soda, and coconut oil. Take a container, preferably glass, and mix 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of peppermint essential oil.

If you do not find this type of oil in any store, ready, put the leaves directly into the mixture, letting them rest to give the toothpaste a mint flavor.

Keep everything in the fridge, for at least one night, so that it keeps the flavor and properties of the mint well. Use it to clean your dog’s teeth and remember to consume it within 5 days.

a mistress brushes her dog's teeth

This natural toothpaste will bring many benefits to the animal. In particular, mint will help avoid dog bad breath. For its part, the oil will act as a glue for the other ingredients and represents a valid remedy to combat the formation of cavities.

Lemon and yeast

This other homemade dog toothpaste is also very easy to make. You will only need to use a little yeast, some lemon peel and salt. The compound obtained is a very effective alternative to take care of your best friend’s oral hygiene.

Put all the ingredients in a glass jar with a lid or in a shaker . Mix everything until you get a homogeneous mixture. After the operation, keep the jar directly in the refrigerator, since as you know, the yeast ferments very quickly.

Lemon, in addition to preventing bad breath and leaving a better smell in your dog’s mouth, is great as a teeth whitening remedy . The salt will help in case of swelling or some small wound, while the yeast will help eliminate bacteria, preventing the formation of tartar and plaque.

As you have seen, it is not at all complicated to make homemade dog toothpaste. Indeed, you will only use  natural and non-toxic products, safeguarding your pet’s health and protecting the environment. The last piece of advice we would like to give you is to brush your dog’s teeth at  least 2/3 times a week, obviously using your own dental paste. Your four-legged friend can boast stronger, healthier and whiter teeth, solving the problem of bad breath.

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