How To Take Care Of Cat’s Teeth

How to take care of your cat's teeth

If we talk about dental hygiene, most of the information is dedicated to the world of dogs. On the contrary, with regard to the care of the teeth in cats, it is difficult to find valid advice and suggestions. What do you need to care for and keep your pet feline’s teeth and mouth clean? It is worthwhile to inquire, in order to act adequately and not to leave the poor animal at the mercy of germs and dental diseases.

To be able to give your valuable help to the cat with whom you share your life, here is an article with a series of interesting tips to be able to take care of the oral hygiene of your four-legged friend, in a concrete and effective way.

Dental care in cats

How to take care of your cat's teeth

The teeth of felines can be affected by the same problems as humans. This is why it is essential to take care of it, from the first years of life. A prime example is offered to us by the formation and persistence of tartar. In addition to looking awful, this bacterial plaque buildup can cause serious problems. Even the loss of teeth in the animal.

We don’t want to scare you, but this is a fairly common situation. Statistics show that 7 out of 10 domestic cats suffer from severe dental problems before the age of 3.

Obviously, the responsibilities of the owners also include dental care. No cat alone is able to remove tartar or wash their mouths with a toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash. Even if they are often underestimated, the consequences deriving from poor oral hygiene are many and very painful for the animal.

Always keep a watchful eye on your cat’s teeth, to avoid the accumulation of bacteria that will inevitably end up affecting the general health of the feline.

Foods for the oral hygiene of cats

There are special foods that allow you to improve the dental hygiene of your cats. Primarily they contribute to the elimination and reduction of tartar. You can choose between different types of kibble, feed or even vegetables designed specifically for cleaning and care of the teeth.

Nonetheless, the secret to healthy teeth lies in chewing. It is precisely the friction between the teeth that allows the cat to break up the deposits of bacterial plaque. Pay close attention to the noise your pet makes when it eats. If you don’t listen to biting, cracking and rubbing, it means that the cat is not chewing but ingesting food directly.

A problem that is easy to detect and solve. Just offer your four-legged friend some larger food. In short, to force him to chop it up through chewing.

If you are wondering where to find and how to choose these cat tooth care foods, the answer is simple. On the shelves of your favorite pet shop, look for the word ” Oral Care ” (in Italian “Oral Hygiene”). This label indicates precisely products developed and designed to improve the dental health of the cat.

Should you brush your cat’s teeth?

How to take care of your cat's teeth

Of course yes! The real question, however, is another: how do you wash them? While Oral Care foods are great for oral hygiene, they are not enough for dental care. In fact, they can never replace a more complete dental cleaning.

If you care about your cat’s well-being, the first step is to look for specific products for oral hygiene. The problem is that most of these are sold in aerosol format. Cats do not like the noise of this machine at all and it will be practically impossible to brush your cat’s teeth in this way.

It must be said, however, that there are low-dose liquids that ensure equally satisfactory results. To apply them it takes very little. Wet a cotton gauze with the lotion and rub it gently on the cat’s teeth. For some years now, special brushes for cats have also been available, very similar to those used for newborns.

In case of doubts, we advise you to always contact your trusted veterinarian. Warning:  the most common mistake is to use normal toothpaste for humans. This product, excellent for people, is dangerous for the cat, can affect the health of its teeth and even cause serious poisoning.

If you want to take care of your cats’ teeth effectively and safely, these tips will be really handy. Use foods designed to preserve good oral hygiene, clean twice a week and you will avoid tartar, tooth decay, gingivitis and other serious problems.

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