How To Prevent Neighbors From Hating Your Dog

How to prevent neighbors from hating your dog

If you want to prevent your neighbors from hating your dog, make sure he does not bark excessively, especially when you are not at home. The constant barking of dogs is usually a reason for quarrels between neighbors: complaints start, fines rain and sometimes you even go to lawyers. To avoid this tragic scenario, in this article we give you a series of tips to try to reduce the persistent barking of your pet.

Barking is for dogs

beagle barking

Since the world began, a dog barks: the opposite would be strange.

However, even assuming that your neighbors are extremely irritable, those who also complain about the flapping of a butterfly’s wings, it must be said that listening for hours and hours to a dog that barks, whines and howls is not pleasant at all.

It is very likely that your dog will not behave this way when he is in your company: this type of behavior usually manifests itself – or gets worse – when the animal is left alone and can be caused by several factors: fear, boredom. , stress or separation anxiety.

What to do to prevent neighbors from hating your dog

In addition to taking care of the education and socialization of your dog, so that it is able to coexist harmoniously with the rest of the family and with other people or animals, we invite you to follow these tips:

  • Before going to work, take your friend for a nice walk and play a little with him : in this way you will tire him a bit and your friend, once alone at home, will be more relaxed and therefore more inclined to take a nap rather than start barking without a break. You may find that it’s also a good way to keep fit and save gym money.
  • Leave him some toys that he can entertain himself with. The best for this purpose are the ones that can be filled with food – they will keep him busy for a long time while he tries to get to the succulent bite.
  • Keep it away from rooms directly facing the street, to prevent it from frightening due to external noises or from becoming agitated by seeing cars, people, cats, other dogs, etc …
  • If your dog suffers from separation anxiety – one of the most common causes of excessive barking – ask your vet to help you find a solution.

Notes on separation anxiety

aggressive dogs

Separation anxiety doesn’t just manifest itself in constant barking and yelping while you are out of the house: dogs suffering from this disorder can destroy objects and do their business around the house.

To correct this problem in some cases the dog must undergo a drug treatment. However, it is essential that you try to change your attitude towards your dog a little at a time, so that he understands that, after you are absent, you will always come back and that nothing serious happens if he stays only for a short period.

A good habit is to avoid big effusions when you leave or when you come back. Although it may seem strange to you, this attitude can have negative effects on your pet: the more you show affection towards him, the more he will miss you and cry until you return.

In search of perfect coexistence

When faced with complaints from neighbors about your dog’s excessive whining, avoid direct conflict but rather try to resolve the matter in a civilized way:

  • do not be surprised or incredulous when they point out that your dog is bothering them: the fact that your furry friend is a lamb when he is with you does not mean that he is also in your absence.
  • Ask other neighbors for confirmation as well, to make sure your dog really throws these deafening concerts when you are not at home.
  • To get an idea of ​​what happens when you are not at home, try to register your dog: listening to him will help you to better focus on the problem and, therefore, also the solution.
  • As you try to correct this annoying behavior, contact the neighbors again and continue recording the dog in your absence to see if there is any progress.

In addition to dealing with your dog’s excessive barking, do not forget to always collect his excrement when you are around and to always keep the courtyard or garden clean, if you have one: it is a form of civic coexistence that certainly even the neighbors of more intolerant homes will know how to appreciate and, at the same time, a good way to prevent them from coming to hate your faithful four-legged friend.

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