How To Choose A Good Dog Hotel?

How to choose a good hotel for dogs?

Although there are several PetFriendly establishments, as this is a modality that many locals have approached, it  is still difficult to go on holiday with our pet. Don’t worry! There are now beautiful and welcoming dog hotels.

Today we explain what they consist of and we will give you some advice so that you can choose the best and rest assured during your holidays because you know that someone takes proper care of your pet.

What is a dog hotel?

The Queen's Dogs


A dog hotel is a place where our pet can stay during our holidays. They are very different from kindergartens, in that in the latter the staff are only responsible for offering basic services for the dog: food, water and a short walk for the needs.

Things have changed for the better now for our animals. Dog hotels are equipped to provide any type of service to meet our pet’s personal needs, services that go far beyond the strictly basic ones.

While there are several categories, most dog hotels offer:

  • Individual rooms. Your dog will not be locked up as he might be in a shelter or kennel. He will have his own room in which to walk freely, with a small area for his needs.
  • Grooming service. Your dog will be pampered by real professionals in canine hairdressing salons located within the hotel.
  • Home service. There are dog hotels that come to pick up and drop off your pet directly at home, allowing you to worry about absolutely nothing.
  • Web surveillance. The most sophisticated hotels offer a service equipped with a webcam to which you can connect from anywhere to see your pet and from any device (phone, tablet, PC, etc.) as long as you have an Internet connection.
  • Spa and more. In the more luxurious ones we can find veterinary services, spas, massages and other attentions that we would love to receive too.

How to choose a good hotel for dogs?

Knowing and knowing what a dog hotel can offer us, let’s now take action: pick one. How can we make the right choice so that our pet is well and is cared for in the best possible way, allowing us to feel more relaxed during our holiday?

You see the structure

Even though the Internet offers us endless possibilities and even if we can see any structure online, there is nothing better than a live visit. Go to the hotel and familiarize yourself with the installations. This is very important because by seeing them live, you will know if they comply with the required safety and hygiene rules.

You will be able to see the space your dog will have to live, as well as the areas reserved for play and the type of food he will consume.

You know the staff

Don’t settle for just seeing the place, talk to the staff, understand who takes care of walking or feeding the dogs and, if you have the opportunity, talk to some local customers about the service they offer and find out about the service they offer. his degree of satisfaction. There is no better reference than this.

Bring your dog

Go visit the place with your dog before leaving him there. Leave him off the leash for a while and see how he feels and reacts. Observe carefully how it is treated by the staff. Check how he reacts to the presence of other dogs and take him to the play area to see if he is comfortable.

Find out about the program

Talk to the staff about meal times, play and walk times and make sure they fit your pet’s needs. If they don’t have a schedule, it means they aren’t organized and it doesn’t bode well. Avoid leaving your friend in such a place.

room with various dog kennels


Find out about the requirements

It is essential that before leaving your dog in the facility they ask you to present the booklet with all the vaccines required by law. For what reason? Because if they do it with you then they probably do it with others too and your dog will be safe from the risk of possible infections.


Make sure that the dog hotel you choose has a veterinary service available 24 hours a day. You never know when an emergency may occur involving your pet or someone else it may have harmed.

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