How To Keep Cats Cool In Hot Weather

When it’s hot, even our cats can suffer from it. Here’s how to help them.
How to keep cats cool in hot weather

Cats, like dogs, are animals that don’t sweat through their skin like we humans. Therefore, they cannot use sweat as a means of cooling their body. These felines keep cool mainly through their mouths and paw pads. In this article, we’ll give you some tips for keeping cats cool in hot weather.

Thermoregulation in cats

Normally, dogs and cats have a body temperature between 38-39 and 38.5-39.5 degrees centigrade. In summer, when temperatures are high, they activate some mechanisms to counteract the heat.

Cats sweat through sweat glands located in the pads of their paws. Also, like dogs, they cool their bodies by keeping their mouths open. These are the ways they use to keep themselves cool in hot weather.

However, excessive panting in cats can be a sign of stress or a health problem. If you notice your cat panting excessively, we recommend that you take him to the vet for a checkup.

When cats groom themselves, in addition to untangling the coat, they distribute saliva throughout the body. In this way, they manage to lower the body temperature. Other ways these felines use to cool off are by finding a spot in the shade and increasing body contact with a cold surface.

Sleeping cat.

How to keep cats cool in the summer

In summer, when temperatures are high, it is important to keep cats cool in order to avoid heatstroke, which can be very dangerous. Make sure that the animals always have water and a cool place to rest at their disposal.

Since cats cannot go to the sea to bathe, we can freshen them up in the following ways:

  • Cool the house. You can turn on the air conditioning (the temperature shouldn’t be too low) or use the fan to cool the house. If keeping the windows open is enough, make sure they have guards so cats can’t get out.
  • Create hiding places to keep cats cool. We all know that cats like to hide. If the hiding place is a shady place where they can rest peacefully and find some relief from the heat, it will become their favorite place during the summer.
  • Water always available. When it comes to drinking, cats have special needs. They always love to have fresh, clean and moving water. Additionally, they prefer a large, shallow stainless steel or ceramic bowl rather than a plastic container. Surely, they prefer water to be in motion, such as, for example, that coming from a tap.

    Cat drinking from a water dispenser.

    • Give the cat some wet food. Wet food contains more water than dry food, which is why cats like it more. Do not leave the food in the sun or exposed to high temperatures because it tends to deteriorate and could be indigestible for the cat. If you don’t eat it all, keep it in a cool place.

    Other ways to keep scratches cool in hot weather

    • Brush your cat daily. Brushing avoids knots and keeps the skin healthy and airy. This is one of the ways to keep cats cool, as it prevents the accumulation of dead hair on the cat’s body.
    • If your cat tolerates it, you can cool him by wiping his coat with a wet towel. The water in the towel will have a similar effect to that of sweat. We remind you not to carry out this operation too often. If the cat’s skin remains moist for a long time, fungi may appear.
    • Avoid getting him to exercise during the hottest hours. In summer, especially in the hottest hours, cats should be prevented from exercising. If not, they may have heatstroke.
    • Cat toys. There are cat toys that work with water. Usually, they stimulate their hunting instincts and in the meantime cool the feline by letting out some water.

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