5 Asian Cat Breeds

Asian cats, an integral part of the culture of the East, are known for their showy appearance, agility and behavior.
5 breeds of Asian cats

Although cats are among the most popular animals as pets around the world, in the East and Asia they acquire a particular symbolism. They are associated with good luck, prosperity and money. For this, Asian cats are revered in their countries.

Read on to find out more about some Asian cat breeds .

Asian cat breeds

There is no doubt that cats are extraordinary beings who fascinate us every day with their behaviors and quirks.

In some areas of the planet, however, they are attributed with real “powers”. Here are some of the Asian cat breeds that are good to know:

1. Siamese

The first cat on the list of Asian breeds is a representative of Thailand, more precisely the Old Kingdom of Siam.

Known for its slender body, light fur and blue eyes, the Siamese – featured photo in the article – tends to be quite chatty and meow constantly, especially during the heat period.

In addition, he is known for his personality and the way he expresses his disagreement in certain situations.

The typical curiosity of all felines is greater in this breed: it will not take long to browse in all corners of the house. Like many Asian breeds, the Siamese is also quite active and affectionate.

2. Persian

With this specimen we move to what is present-day Iran, where an extremely elegant, sophisticated and majestic cat was created.

He is considered an aristocratic cat and, due to his beauty, his breed quickly spread from Asia to Europe and America.

Old reddish Persian cat

The Persian is a medium to large sized cat with a massive, round head, flattened muzzle and bulging eyes.


with thick fur, long and silky to the touch. The tail is full of hair and rounded at the tip. There are Persians of all colors, but in most cases they are black, brown or white.

3. Japanese Bobtail

Let’s go back to the easternmost point of the continent to find one of the most curious Asian cat breeds. Its main quality is its short tail similar to that of a rabbit, due to a recessive gene.

Native to Japan, the Bobtail is an icon in the country’s lore. The famous amulet Maneki-Neko – lucky cat – is based on this breed… as well as the character of Hello Kitty!

Bobtail cat

Medium in size, with a triangular snout and pointed ears, this cat has a silky coat, whether it’s long or short.

Its body is elongated like many oriental felines, it has a long nose and large eyes. It is a very active, curious and playful cat; can’t stand loneliness.

4. Angora cat

Here is another of the Asian cat breeds whose past is quite remote. It is native to the Ankara region of Turkey, and there are specimens with eyes of two different colors that are considered pure and traditional.

Angora cat is resting in the house

The Angora Cat can have hair of various colors: white, brown, black, cream, red, bluish or brindle.

As for the temperament, it is a rather active, curious, agile and intelligent feline, who loves to meow. He is also a cat who loves cuddling, even if he doesn’t like being held for too long in his arms.

5. Ceylon cat

The last of the Asian cats on this list is native to Sri Lanka, southeast of India, and is a breed that is not very common in the rest of the world. In his native country he is considered a symbol of good luck.

Ceylon cat

It is a small animal, weighing 5 kg, with characteristic large ears and streaked lines on the head and along the back.

As for the character, he is quite sociable, gets along well with people and other animals and adapts to living in the city.

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