Why Is Preventive Medicine Important For Our Animals?

Why is preventive medicine important for our animals?

The commitments of daily life sometimes lead us to neglect some fundamental things. This also includes periodic doctor’s appointments, whether it’s for dental visits or otherwise. And our animals? Well, we often neglect them too, we believe they don’t need them. In fact, preventive medicine is necessary for any living thing.

If you keep this in mind, you can avoid the occurrence of many diseases and other problems. In today’s article we will tell you about the benefits of this type of medicine.

What is preventive medicine?

For those who have never heard of it, preventive medicine has, as the name suggests, the goal of prevention. How does this concept apply to our animals?

  • Six-monthly visits to the vet. If you can’t wear it twice a year, try to do it at least once. It doesn’t matter if your dog looks good, it’s always important to keep an eye on his health. And there is no better way to do this than to take him to the vet often.
  • Palpations. Take a few minutes each week to give your dog a massage. He will appreciate the gesture very much, and you can take advantage of it to feel it and identify any anomalies – such as wounds, parasites or bumps that could turn out to be cysts or tumors.
  • Check his fur. Your pet’s fur is the perfect refuge for all types of bacteria, so taking a few minutes every two or three days to examine it thoroughly will be important to avoid greater damage. There is no need for you to take the time specifically for this, just do it in the evening when you are both lying on the sofa, caressing him.

    The vet will also perform tests regarding your dental health, behavior, the presence of parasites or any other necessary checks.

    What is achieved with preventive medicine

    Although our body, as well as that of our animals, is made on purpose to warn us when something is wrong, sometimes it happens that our body is affected by an anomaly that appears invisible to our eyes. In this sense, periodic visits to the vet can be essential to preserve the health and even the life of your little friend.

    The various exams he will undergo can be used to identify problems such as:

    • Parasites. Did you know that there are parasites that can kill your pet? While it may seem like a minor problem, it is not to be taken lightly.
    • Oral problems. Pyorrhea is just one of the diseases and infections that may have affected your dog’s mouth. Keep in mind that they eat everything, even when they live in an apartment, and that often a small wound in the mouth can lead to an infection.
    • Nutritional evaluation. The vet will weigh your pet and, with a simple visit, determine if it is anemic or has deficiencies of some kind. This way you can also find out if your puppy is overweight or has to follow a special diet.
    • The vaccines. These are necessary measures to prevent serious diseases that could endanger your pet’s life. By going to the vet regularly, you can get an opinion on the vaccines your friend needs, whether mandatory or not.
    • Behavior problems. While you may not be aware of it, your pet may suffer from abnormal changes in behavior due to subtle causes. The vet knows perfectly the nature of animals, so he will be able to immediately recognize any alteration in his behavior, informing you on how to remedy them.

      Remember your pet’s love

      Having a pet means more than just giving it a roof, food, water and taking it for a walk three times a day. An animal must be looked after and its health taken care of. This is what preventative medicine is for. Don’t neglect your pet: he goes out of his way for you, offers you all his love and would give his life for you. Don’t you feel compelled to return his gratitude by dedicating time and money to his health and well-being? Preventive medicine is essential.

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