Lesser Panda: A Bear That Looks Like A Raccoon

Lesser Panda: A bear that looks like a raccoon

Like the most famous giant panda, the lesser panda is also a typical mammal of Southeast Asia. It is a more than curious animal, not only for its color, but also for its long tail and tender face. In this article we will help you to learn more about this sweet living being, revealing everything there is to know about him.

Characteristics and habitat of the lesser panda

This small mammal measures no more than 60 centimeters and weighs six kilos if it is male, four kilos if it is female. Its coat is brown and reddish, long and darker on the underside. The face shows a lighter shade similar to that of a raccoon. The ears are round, straight and of medium size. His eyes are dark and his nose is black.

The lesser panda is characterized by a long red ringed tail, which allows it to balance itself in the trees and at the same time to cover itself when sleeping, as you can see in the photo below. In addition, its legs are short and black, with retractable claws and covered with fur to protect itself from the cold.

Lesser panda asleep curled up

Native to Southeast Asia, the lesser panda is found in the Himalayas, Bhutan, southern Tibet, India and China. This means that it prefers climates with moderate temperatures, mountain or forest ecosystems, where it can easily find refuge in tree holes.

Habits, behavior and reproduction of the lesser panda

This animal is particularly active from dusk to dawn. The rest of the day rests in the branches or hollows of trees. They are very sensitive to heat – due to their thick fur – and save energy in the hottest hours of the day. They take refuge in the shade, to rest, when temperatures are high. They do nothing but sleep and eat, since their diet is low in calories.

The lesser panda is very skilled, acrobatic and agile and can move from one branch to another without problems. It has solitary habits and only forms groups or couples in the mating season. The rest of the time he is quiet enough and starts looking for food when the sun goes down.

Its predators are the snow panther and the mink. When he feels threatened by them (or by the man), he runs as fast as possible and climbs to the top of a tree. If this is not possible, another defense technique is to stand on its hind legs, pull out its sharp claws and try to “face” the danger. This behavior is very rare, since they are very peaceful and friendly animals.

A very curious thing about this mammal is that before starting its daily routine, it loves to wash its abdomen and front legs. Then he massages his back with a branch or trunk. Now he is ready to go out for food!

Lesser panda eats bamboo

Its diet consists of bamboo – like its giant panda “cousin” – to a greater extent, but it also eats lichen, roots, mushrooms, fruits and berries. It can supplement its diet with eggs, insects and small rodents.

In terms of reproduction, the lesser panda is polygamous : it mates with more than one partner in each breeding season, always between mid-January and early March. The cubs are born between June and July, the female builds a den with leaves and plants before giving birth to up to four young at a time, which are born completely blind.

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