Ecological Products For Dogs

Ecological products for dogs

Due to the growing awareness of the importance of taking care of our planet , ecological products for dogs and cats are gaining increasing fame.  The use of this type of product has great benefits for both animals and the environment.

The ecological mold of these products is linked to their purely natural origins, as they are devoid of any type of chemical treatment or substances similar to preservatives, artificial colors, etc. In addition, they are biodegradable.

Perhaps, without realizing it, you are already using one or more of these products for your pet,  as they are now widespread among dog food, toys and accessories. In the following article we will show you some of them.


Toys are fundamental elements for any pet, as in addition to entertaining them, they serve to enhance their skills and speed up their learning. Therefore, a great choice when it comes to buying a toy is to opt for products made of natural untreated cotton. By doing so, you will also be helping the environment.

The most distinctive feature of this type of toys is their resistance. They typically have a longer lifespan than plastic products, which tend to break much more easily.

If the toy is colored, always make sure that the pigmentation has been applied with organic dyes, which will not risk being harmful to your pet.

golden retriever puppy bites toy

Ecological feed

Many of the hypoallergenic food products on the market are, at the same time, environmentally friendly. The advantage of these types of feed is that they tend to have fewer additives and preservatives than more common products.

The advantages linked to ecological feeds also lie in their greater protein intake, as well as containing lower quantities of cereals; this makes them particularly suitable for the prevention of food-related allergies.

Remember, before giving your dog a new diet, always consult your veterinarian, who will be in charge of checking the animal and selecting the most suitable products for him.

Beds and sleeping accessories

If you are a fan of accessories for dogs, you will be pleased to know that there is a wide range of ecological products to use to embellish their beds.

Again, the best products for your dog are those created with materials such as cotton, especially those that do not use synthetic dyes.

Within this line you will find products such as cots, pillows or soft blankets, which will help your best friend stay warm during the night.

Ecological products for felines

To the delight of cat lovers, there is certainly no shortage of specialized products for cats, such as biodegradable litter.

The biodegradable cat litter is an easy-to-use product with incredible benefits. It is composed of wood fibers, processed through treatments that are not harmful to the environment.

This type of fiber degrades easily once in contact with water; to eliminate it, simply throw it into the toilet.

Another advantage over normal litter is linked to the price factor: biodegradable litter is much cheaper, it can cost almost half compared to the most common litter  on the market.

white and orange cat in the litter box

Product recycling

However, the purchase of new products is not the only opportunity to contribute to the protection of the environment: an excellent practice to be implemented is that of reusing objects.

There are many products that are easy to make at home, from cots to toys, through the recycling of materials and objects that are no longer in use. On the Internet it is possible to find many ideas and alternatives in this regard; and our invitation is precisely to give vent to your creativity and get to work.

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