How To Wash The Cat Who Is Afraid Of Water

How to wash a cat who is afraid of water

It is well known that felines are very clean animals and that they are often afraid of water. This is why it is important to know how to wash your cat safely. That is, avoiding that it is a trauma for him and a battle for you.

Thanks to the ability to use their tongue and teeth, cats are able to keep their fur clean and shiny. Almost as if it were superfluous to wash them. Often, however, the cat gets dirty with elements that it cannot eliminate on its own.

And here is that a good owner must intervene with an adequate bathroom. From an early age, it is advisable to accustom the cat to live the relationship with water normally. Avoid straining and trauma, everything must be gradual and natural.

From a washing point of view, it is very important to choose products and shampoos suitable for the cat’s coat. Remember never to use conditioners or soaps designed for humans. They may contain ingredients or active ingredients that are even toxic or that could cause allergies or other problems for the animal.

How to wash your cat safely

orange cat is dried with white towel

To learn how to wash your cat that fears water, in the safest way possible, we have summarized a list with the best useful tips to follow :

  • First choose the sink, for the height and size.
  • Fill it with a little warm water and get your cat used to the sound of the tap.
  • Calm the animal, caress it in a relaxing way and talk to it calmly.
  • Before you decide whether to wash your cat or not, make sure your cat is calm. A simple trick is to play with him for a long time, to eliminate stress and anxiety and tire him a little.
  • Before wetting it, comb all the hair, to eliminate knots and remains of dirt.
  • Protect your ears by putting an adequate amount of cotton in your ears. You will avoid possible infections.
  • Place a base in the sink to prevent the cat from slipping.
  • For safe washing, the water should never exceed 10 centimeters. Check the temperature well, it must be lukewarm and never hot.

Other tips for safe washing

  • The most convenient way to wash your little feline is by using the shower phone.
  • Once wet, apply the soap for cats (and not normal shampoo for people), massaging following the direction of the hair.
  • Avoid getting the nose and ears wet.
  • When rinsing, make sure you get all the soap off the cat’s body. Any residues could cause irritation or be ingested by the animal.
  • To clean the nose, the direct water jet should not be used. Better to wet a cloth and wipe it gently on the animal’s face.

How to dry your cat well

After finishing the wash, it’s time for drying. First, you will wrap the cat in a towel, bringing the cat to an enclosed area, away from drafts of cold air. If you are not afraid of noise, you can safely use the normal hairdryer.

First, if necessary, you can finish the toilet by carrying out some cleaning operations. For example, cut or file the cat’s nails , perfect the hairstyle if you are able.

It is very important to give a positive reinforcement to the bathroom. Prepare a nice and succulent treat for your four-legged friend. In this way he will get used to putting up with the bathroom, interpreting it as something good and advantageous.

Other ways to wash the cat

How to safely wash your cat indoors

What if your cat is terrified of water? The first piece of advice is, obviously, to minimize bath times.

Fill a bucket with liquid cat soap and warm water (about 37 degrees). Support the cat with one hand, in an upright position, and wash it gently with the other hand, without using sprays or jets. Have the towel ready next to the bucket and, in case of a negative reaction, stop immediately. Try again after rewarding the cat and, in case of further aggression, give up.

It will have to be a quick operation, to try not to cause stress or anxiety to the animal. Always remember to act calmly and convey confidence to your cat.

The trick of the three bowls

To be able to wash a cat that is afraid of water there is also another method. This is a fairly well-known trick that we present to you, in case you don’t know it yet. Fill three small bowls  and position them so that they are horizontal and stable.

In the first we will add liquid soap for cats, in the other two we will leave only water in an increasing quantity. Support the cat with one hand and let it rest its hind legs in the first basin. Here you will perform the soaping: few gestures, decisive and quick. Then you will move to the second compartment for the first rinse and to the third for the last wash.

After the operation, as always, drying, lots of pampering and the well-deserved reward.

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