Sacred Cat Of Burma: A Wonderful Breed

Sacred Cat of Burma: a wonderful breed

You may have never heard of the Sacred Cat of Burma, but if we tell you that it is almost always a white cat with blue eyes, it immediately comes to mind what species we are talking about, right? Would you like to find out more about this beautiful animal? Keep reading this article!

Let’s see together what information we have on the Burma cat.

Get to know the Sacred Cat of Burma

History and origin of the Sacred cat of Burma

A legend revolves around the Sacred Cat of Burma that could explain its origins. It is said that hundreds of years ago the Khmer people built a temple to worship a golden sapphire-eyed goddess called Tsun-Kyan-Kse.

The priest who guarded the temple was called Mun-Ha and spent much of his time in front of the goddess, kneeling with Sinh, the temple cat. One night some thugs murdered Mun-Ha. Sinh then stepped over her body, without taking her eyes off the golden goddess. Just as he was so positioned, his fur suddenly turned gold, his sapphire blue eyes and paws took on the color of the earth.

The legend goes on to state that all the cats in the temple underwent the same transformation, and that when Sinh died, just 7 days later, he took the priest’s soul with him to heaven.

The Sacred Cat of Burma arrives in Europe

Apparently, a priest gave a couple of these cats to some English travelers, to thank them for having saved his life on an occasion a short time before. Fortunately, although the male died during the journey, the female became pregnant.

gatti di razza Sacro di Birmania
Source: D. Maillard

The first examples of the Sacred cat of Burma that appeared in Europe were seen in France, where it was recognized as a breed in 1925. After the Second World War, the breed was in danger of disappearing: only a couple remained, but with difficulty the cat Sacred of Burma managed to survive.

Physical characteristics

  • Dimensions. Medium in size, but massive in size.
  • Head. Wide and massive, it is neither too round nor too pointed.
  • Eyes. Large and round, sapphire colored and slightly oblique.
  • Body. Long to support its size, it can be defined on average heavy.
  • Tail. It is of medium length, covered with a thick and long hair.
  • Fur. Semi-long and silky in texture.
  • Colors. The recognized colors for the Sacred Cat of Burma are creamy white with golden hues on the back, brown paws with a white tip. Darker colors or coats with other markings are not accepted as pedigrees.

Character of the Sacred cat of Burma

Despite the reputation of independent beings that accompanies felines, the Sacred Cat of Burma is very sociable and easy to tame. A cat you can rely on and has a quiet temperament. Everyone who has one defines him as a loving, faithful, and companionable being.

They are not cats for single people, as if they are looking for cuddles and don’t get it from one person, they will go looking for someone else. They always respond when called and are affectionate and tender. They are moderately active, so it may be a good idea to involve them in games that make them move.

One of their characteristics is that they love to maintain eye contact with their owners, a virtue not very common in the animal world. In fact, the Sacred Cat of Burma is often associated with dogs more than the rest of cats.

Special attention and health

You will have to take care of his coat by brushing it daily, and this will be enough to keep it in good condition.

It is good to know that some specimens tend to suffer from the alteration of a gene that affects the optic nerve, and that for this and other reasons they can also suffer from cataracts.

Are you already thinking of adopting a Sacred Cat of Burma as a pet? Do it! You will not regret it.

Source of the images: Claudia Backpack y D. Maillard.

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