7 Hot Water Fish You Need To Know

7 hot water fish you need to know

If you’ve already had experiences with a cold water aquarium, perhaps now is the time to take the plunge. Fish hot water they need more care, especially in terms of temperature, to ensure the proper development of their habitat . In this article we will help you to learn more about these particular animals, so that you can set up, without errors, the tropical aquarium that you have been dreaming of for some time.

Caring for warm water fish

As a first step, these fish need a specific aquarium that supports higher temperatures than usual. The water should always be between 24 and 28 degrees, and you can monitor the temperature with a thermometer or install a special thermostat. In this way, it will remain more or less  constant and you will avoid the risk of endangering the health of the fish.

Another problem you need to keep in mind is that there are some warmwater fish species that don’t get along well with others, due to space, food or even reproductive problems. It goes without saying that you will never have to combine a tropical fish with a cold water one, because their needs are totally opposite.

Hot water fish: which ones to choose?

Pay particular attention to the characteristics of the following warm water fish in case you want to set up a beautiful aquarium, rich in organic varieties, like this one in the photo:

three clownfish are swimming in an aquarium

1. Clownfish

The clownfish, popularly known as “Nemo” thanks to the animated film Finding Nemo , comes with a striking color based on orange tones and vertical black and white stripes. It can grow up to 11 centimeters in length.

It is silent, lives up to 10 years and reproduces with ease. It needs an aquarium of at least 200 liters, with salty and warm water (about 27 ° C of temperature). Plants that emulate their natural habitat should not be missing to allow them to swim, play and hide among themselves.

2. Kissing gourami

It is a river fish that seems to be always in love or looking for someone to kiss. This is due to the shape of her lips. The gourami kissing lives in Thailand and Malaysia, precisely in calm or stagnant waters with a lot of vegetation and at a temperature that varies between 22 and 28 degrees. It is ivory white and requires an aquarium of at least 150 centimeters.

3. White-throated surgeonfish

This species, with its rounded shape and bright colors, will give a lot of life to your aquarium. It is named after the sharp spines at the base of the tail. It grows to 20 centimeters, lives around 15 years and can be a bit aggressive. Your aquarium should be salt water and kept at a temperature between 24 and 28 degrees. For its well-being, the surgeonfish needs at least 600 liters of water.

4. Oscar

This South American fish is slow growing and, therefore, increasingly popular in aquariums. In nature it can measure up to 50 cm. It is dark in color with orange spots, and is considered quite intelligent as it associates owners with food and can differentiate acquaintances from strangers. His aquarium must have at least 400 liters  of water and the optimal temperature must be between 22 and 30 degrees.

due pesci nuotano assieme nel mare
Author: Rosarinagazo

5. Butterfly fish

This beautiful fish is more delicate than other species. But, in return, it will give a lot of color and fantasy to your aquarium. It usually lives among coral reefs, so you should place ornaments that reproduce these marine organisms. As for the salt water temperature, you should always keep it between 24 and 28 degrees.

Aesthetically, its main feature is that it has an eye-shaped spot near its tail, which it uses to deceive predators. The rest of the body is usually yellow. It has a life expectancy of four years, grows up to 20 centimeters and is aggressive with those of its own species.

6. Angelfish or Climbing

It is one of the most popular warm water species among aquarium enthusiasts . In nature it is distributed between the delta of the Amazon River, other swamps and basins with dense vegetation, generally of clear water. Angelfish forms social groups of various sizes, can be quite territorial (and attack other fish), and in adulthood it eats any minnow that enters its mouth, including its own young.

7. Discus fish

We close our review dedicated to hot water fish that you need to know, talking about one of those suitable for the most “experts”. While they can be quite expensive and require a lot of care, they are probably the most beautiful to keep in a home aquarium. If you are still a beginner, we advise you to wait a bit before getting one.

Symphysodon fish can grow up to 6 inches tall and have a life expectancy of around 12 years when kept in optimal conditions. For their correct development, it is necessary to set up an aquarium of at least 200 liters with soft and warm water (at about 28 degrees).

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