Animals In Australia, Incredible Species

Whether it is due to the climate or the fact of living on a continent isolated from the others, Australia is home to a large number of animal species different from those we are used to seeing.
Animals in Australia, amazing species

If we look for exotic and curious species, animals in Australia perfectly capture these characteristics.

In this article we describe some of them, the ones we think are the most curious in a nation able to offer a very rich fauna.

Curious to get to know Australia’s amazing species of animals ?

Animals in Australia, some amazing species


There is no more representative animal for Australia than the kangaroo. The kangaroo – in the photo that opens the article – is a unique marsupial that lives exclusively in this continent and is characterized by the fact that it carries its cubs in its pouch for months and months.

Other characteristics of this animal are its shape and speed.

Over the years, the kangaroo has also begun to appreciate very much the meat, a food habit that has put the survival of this species at risk.

For this reason, the Australian government has recently introduced protective measures against this animal.



This animal also belongs to the marsupial family, although its appearance seems more reminiscent of a small bear, having a very tender appearance. It measures approximately one meter and can weigh up to 35 kilos.

Its appearance goes along with its noble, quiet and shy nature, so much so as to make it difficult to see it during the hours of the day, when it usually hides in its lair.

The wombat is vegetarian, and is comparable to the beaver in terms of claws and teeth.


The third of the animals in Australia that we want to introduce you to is the famous koala. Beyond his docile appearance, scholars agree in attributing to him an irascible and aggressive character.

It is therefore better to avoid getting too close, especially if you are not experienced in interacting with this animal.

Also, he gets very annoyed when he is awakened. An episode that is anything but rare, given that he sleeps the beauty of 22 hours a day.

Koala che dorme

Tasmanian Devil

This little animal has become world famous thanks to a Warner Bros cartoon. The personality and the sympathy with which the manufacturer stages this animal are not a coincidence, but the perfect representation of its real characteristics.

Tasmanian Devil

It is not a sociable animal, but aggressive and hungry for everything it encounters.

It has a large head and bristly hair. This is a protected species, easily observed in its natural habitat, the Australian island of Tasmania.

Greater Bilby

Some Pokemon characters are said to have been inspired by these pointy-eared, small-eyed animals.

Their appearance could recall a hybrid between a rabbit and a mouse, with the characteristic belly always white (regardless of the color of the fur).

Greater Bilby

They lead a nightlife, which is why to spot them you will have to visit the François Peron Natural Park and wait for darkness to fall.


This is definitely one of the most fun animals in Australia ever.

There are those who like to point out how nature has made fun of him in creating it, since this very particular animal seems to borrow every single part of the body from some other animal.

For example, the beak and legs from the duck, the body from the squirrel and the tail from the beaver.


It is a not at all aggressive animal, which if approached slowly, does not even try to escape. Spotting it in its natural habitat is not easy.

The advice is to go to the Tidbinbilla nature reserve, Otway national park or Cradle Mountain-Lake St. Clair, where you can admire some specimens without difficulty.


This is a very particular hedgehog that lives exclusively in Australia. A special mammal, since it reproduces by laying eggs, as happens also for platypuses.

It is not an easy animal to spot, but if interested you may be lucky on Kangaroo Island.


Australia, perhaps due to the climate, is very rich in fauna and flora. All the species mentioned so far are rarely observable outside the Australian island.

If you are planning a trip there, find out where you might observe these curious and fascinating creatures. It will be worth it.

Among the species characteristic of this nation, those that we have reported in this article are certainly among the most curious animals in Australia.

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