Why Do Dogs Lose Their Hair?

Why do dogs lose their hair?

Among the main causes of hair loss in dogs are poor nutrition, some allergies, stress and even hormonal changes. To treat hair loss in dogs, it is therefore essential to be aware of the reasons that cause it, so that you can control the problem as soon as possible.

Among the tips we can give you to prevent your dog from shedding its coat, remember that your pet will change its coat twice a year. It is very important to provide him with an adequate diet and nutrition, as well as to use specific products for his hygiene.

Factors that determine hair loss in dogs


The reasons behind hair loss in dogs can be varied. These include diseases such as scabies or diabetes, as well as an unbalanced diet that is not adequate for the animal’s nutritional needs. Skin allergies can also cause hair loss.

If stress and anxiety lie at the root of the problem, the matter will be more complicated to manage. In some particular cases the solution does not exist, and it will be impossible to recover the original amount of hair. Sometimes it can be the dog itself that is scratching itself compulsively due to scabies, an allergy or a simple itch, thus pulling the hair on its own.

Climate and seasonal changes are also factors that can determine hair loss. If you notice that your dog sheds more hair on average than his breed, he may be suffering from a health problem; take him to the vet immediately so that he can evaluate the measures to be taken. You may not be able to prevent the hair from falling out, but by taking the right precautions you can reduce the amount lost.

Some vaccines can promote infections in some small dog breeds, leading to subsequent shedding. Among the various breeds, the bulldog and boxer are the ones most prone to suffer from similar dermatitis and irritation due to their sensitive skin.

Hair loss treatments

The treatment to be adopted against hair loss will vary according to the cause that originated it. If the problem is related to poor nutrition, the best solution will be to provide him with a diet aimed at strengthening his coat. If the causes lie in problems of nervousness, it will be necessary to identify the source of stress and eliminate it.

Another case is that of lateral alopecia, generated by the dog’s tendency to compulsively lick certain areas of the body, such as a paw. This habit can be caused by sources of nervousness, stress, anxiety, or simply loneliness.

Combing your pet’s coat will help eliminate excess hair that has fallen off ; in addition, it will help redistribute the oils in the dog’s skin, favoring the correct flow of fat.

The ideal diet if the dog loses its coat


The properties of olive oil or flaxseed oil are great for fighting your dog’s hair loss. The correct doses to be made to the diet correspond to 5 ml for every 5 kg of weight. These oils are good for you as they are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which are useful for soothing inflamed skin, decreasing dandruff and improving the texture of the coat.

Dehydration can cause skin dryness, thus promoting hair loss and other diseases. To combat this problem, it will be sufficient to provide the animal with always fresh and clean water in abundance.

Some fruits like bananas, cucumbers and lean cooked meats (eliminating the bones) are particularly moist foods that will help your dog stay hydrated. In addition, they contain beneficial nutrients that will keep the pet’s coat smooth and shiny, as well as reduce its shedding.

Dogs that are more sensitive to diet changes tend to suffer more easily from diet- related hair loss problems. The ideal will be to test different food products until you find the ones that are suitable for your pet. The help of a professional in these cases is essential.

Vitamin supplements can also be useful, but be careful, if taken in excess they can generate various health problems. Let your veterinarian give him the proper dose.

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