Your Dog’s Only Goal: To Give You His Heart

Your dog's only goal: to give you his heart

From the moment he enters your life, your dog has only one goal: to give you his heart. That’s right, as soon as you adopt a dog, it begins to live for you, to please you, to make you happy, to make you laugh and comfort you when you need it. You are the most important thing in life, often the only one.

He knows when you are sad and understands what to do he also knows when you are happy and that in those moments he can easily approach you. He has learned this over time by observing you. He knows you even if you don’t realize it. There are many ways your dog offers his heart to you.

Your dog offers you his heart

Your dog always lives thinking of you, thinking about what to do to make you a little happier, to make your life better.

Awaits you

Dog in the house

If you have seen the movie Pets , you will remember that one of the protagonists spent whole days behind the door waiting for his best friend: his mistress. Your dog does the same thing, as ever since you go out and leave him alone, his world is crumbling. The hours are eternal and the only thing he wants is to see the front door open and see you cross the threshold.

There would be a thousand things he could do for fun, like digging through the garbage, biting his toys or, better yet, your shoes. He knows that this would not make you happy and, for this reason, he prefers to take his time waiting for you. He will show you in this way that he loves you and that you are the most important thing to him.

It brings you what you need

If you have taught your dog to obey simple orders, chances are he can bring your own slippers or newspaper. We’re sure you don’t even have to ask him. He always knows what you need.

He has spent his entire life watching you, getting to know you, thinking about what it can bring you to make you happier.

Do not pull the leash

Your dog knows how many sacrifices you make and that when you come home from work, you are tired. He knows you share your money with him because you provide him with what he needs. For this reason, and because he knows that taking him out for a walk is an effort, it makes it less difficult for you. He walks beside you although he would like to run like crazy even with the leash around his neck.

He denies himself pleasures so as not to disturb you

There are thousands of things your dog loves to do, but he knows they won’t make your life easier. For example, he would like to mark territory in the house, search the garbage, not have to wait to go for a walk to do his business, howl and bark all day or sleep in your bed.

He would never do these things because he knows they would only cause you problems. He just wants you to be happy, he wants to give you his heart and he wants you to give him yours.

Be grateful that your dog wants to give you his heart

As you can see, a little further down we share  a video on the many ways a dog can show you his affection. While it is virtually impossible for your dog to do all of this for you, it is only a representation of what he would be willing to do to have your heart and to give you his own.

As you can appreciate in the video, despite the animal’s enthusiasm when it sees its owner returning, it is not paid. However, the animal does not give up and continues to make everything easier for him.

Either way, eventually the master will realize this before it’s too late. Never doubt your pet’s intentions, don’t wait to realize that he has done something good for you, to give him your heart, your love and your cuddles.

Do not repent of anything you give him, only repent of what you do not give him. Make him feel loved, respected and at home. Isn’t that what he does with you? They say the best gifts are those that cannot be paid for with money. Does your dog’s heart have a price?

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