Games To Play At Home With The Dog

Is it raining and you can’t go outside to play with the dog? Don’t worry, there are so many ways to have fun together at home!
Games to play at home with the dog

Often, in winter, the cold prevents you from going out on the street with your dog as often as you would like. This does not mean that your pet has to give up his exercise and his games, quite the opposite. Would you like to discover some games to play at home with the dog?

Your efforts to keep him active and fit must double. In this regard, we list a series of games that can be played at home with the dog.

Play: fundamental in a dog’s routine

Both exercise and games are an essential part of a dog’s life, as they make him balanced and happy. Both should be daily, for the many benefits, from a physical, emotional and mental point of view, that they are able to guarantee. Among the benefits, we find:

  • They help avoid stress. If your dog spends a lot of time alone indoors, boredom and loneliness may create a level of stress that exercise and play can relieve.
  • They improve the joints. As dogs age, as is the case with people, one of the areas of their body that suffers the most are the joints. Allowing your pet to train and play throughout his life will cause his joints and muscles to get stronger once he gets older.
  • They develop intelligence. The games encourage them to figure out how to get things done, especially those that are focused on intelligence.
  • They improve agility and flexibility.
  • They create a closer bond with the owner. They say that contact increases affection, so the more time you spend with your dog, the closer the bond you both have created.

These are just some of the benefits that play brings to your pet, but we assure you that the list is endless. Below, you will find some ideas for games to play around the house with your dog.

Sleeping puppy

Games to play at home with the dog

It is raining? Is it too cold or too windy? Do not worry! Here are some ideas for you to play and have fun at home with your dog.

Hide and seek

This game will not only entertain him, it will also sharpen his wits. It involves hiding a few small pieces of food, his favorite delicacies or whatever he likes, in various corners of the house.

If you want to increase the difficulty, you could put the food in Kong toys and hide it around the house.

It won’t take long for your pet to hear that there is something hidden somewhere and he will start to get aroused. If he doesn’t do it himself, you could show him the food, let him smell it, and then approach the place where you have hidden something. The hunt begins!

Games to play at home with the dog: attack!

This game is a lot of fun for both of you. It involves chasing your dog as if it were prey.

Walk towards him slowly as you look him in the eye, and when he least expects it, jump to catch him. This game helps improve your pet’s reflexes and attention.

Girl and dog on the carpet

Playing with a rope

Dogs love to pull things with their mouths. So, take a rope, show it to your dog, bring it close to his muzzle and then move it.

Let him take it from time to time and then pull. You can hide it behind your back and start walking or running around the house to chase you. You will have a lot of fun!

One, two, three… stay there!

Surely you remember this game from when you were a child. It’s simple: chase your dog and when you touch him he will have to run towards you. Will your dog understand how the game works? Seeing is believing, it’s very simple.

Bad days shouldn’t stop your dog from playing and training. With these games to play together at home, you won’t be bored!

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