What Is The Best Food For Your Dog?

To offer complete nutrition to your dog, you can find many baby food and ready-made foods.
What's the best food for your dog?

Pets are known to need fruits, vegetables, rice and meat because they are omnivorous animals. Although their diets must be varied, the pace of working life of many owners today prevents them from cooking and preparing the food these four-legged friends deserve.

To offer complete nutrition to your dog, you can find many baby food and ready-made foods. These products will provide most of the nutrients your pet needs, so that he can follow a complete and balanced diet.

We are talking about the so-called “balanced” feeds. You will always have to choose the ones of good quality, in order to always guarantee, to your best friend, the correct number of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and so on. But how do you go about choosing the best food for your dog?

Give your dog ready-made feed

Although these feeds are very complete and increasingly designed to ensure the highest quality, you should always integrate as many natural foods as possible into your pet’s diet.

If you want to know in depth the dog food in order to choose the one that best suits your dog, the first step will be to know the ingredients that compose it, as well as choosing the best known or most expensive brand.

 Little dog with bowl of baby food

The best food for your dog: meat proteins

As for the different products, you have to keep in mind that the dog is descended from the wolf, a carnivorous animal.

For this reason, his diet must consist mostly of meat or proteins of similar quality.

If you also find cereals among the ingredients of the feed, know that it is not a useful food. Indeed,  cereals do not contribute in any way to your dog’s diet.

In addition, the label on bags, boxes and cans of dog food should be very clear and comprehensive.

Think, for example, in the case where only the word “chicken” appears. It is not clear if the noble parts of this animal were used or, more likely, if only the scraps were chosen.

If the labeling and nutrition information appear sketchy, scarce and unreliable, we recommend that you consider another brand.

Choose dog food based on age

A question that often interests dog owners concerns the frequency of feeding. As a general rule, dogs up to four months old will eat 4 times a day, 3 times at four to eight months, 2 times after one and a half years of age and, starting from here, only once a day.

Food, whether natural or industrial, does not work the same for all stages of the animal’s life.

There are some specific foods for puppies, others for large dogs, for medium and small dogs, sterilized, etc.

Labrador eats from the bowl

The proportion of food to give to your pet depends on many variables : its size, the physical activity it performs, whether it burns a lot of calories or is rather calm and sedentary, etc.

Many specialists do not recommend homemade dog food. They argue that it is usually not a proportionate diet, and is often too high in carbohydrates.

Experts are inclined to always suggest the choice of the aforementioned balanced feed.

If you are willing to give your friend only homemade food, you need to make sure that it is never contaminated with human food.

The recipes and meals must be developed specifically for your dog, choosing ingredients that are suitable and, of course, that are neither toxic nor deleterious for his digestive system.

If you have decided to give your pet homemade food, try to make sure that it is always of high quality.

You will not have to give him your leftovers, but always balanced rations, as if he were another member of the family.

Food for pregnant bitches

In case your dog is pregnant, it is important to plan a special diet for pregnant animals.

In the first five or six weeks of gestation you will have to provide a little more food to the animal, to support the growth of the fetuses.

Keep in mind, however, that most of the growth will occur in the last three weeks.

Pregnant white dog

For the care of your dog, you will increase the energy contribution by about 15% every week. The same happens in the period of breastfeeding, when the animal needs to feed properly to give the puppies the nutrients they need.

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