The German Shorthaired Pointing Dog

Although the history of this animal is not entirely certain, it is believed that it descended from German dogs intended for flying hunting.
The German Shorthaired Pointing Dog

In this article we will tell you about the German Shorthaired Pointing Dog. His original name is Deutsch Kurzhaarè  and he is a very popular versatile hunting dog due to his size and physique.

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), responsible for the recognition and classification of breeds, qualifies it as a show dog. In the following lines we will tell you everything you need to know about the  German Shorthaired Pointing Dog.

Origins and history of the German shorthaired pointing dog

Although the history of this animal is not entirely certain, it is believed that it descended from German dogs intended for flying hunting.

With the arrival in Germany of other breeds from different areas of the Mediterranean, an attempt was made to exploit this mixture to develop a multipurpose dog.

Pointing dogs, good at indicating the presence of a possible prey to the hunter, remaining motionless, were not good enough.

The goal therefore became to blend together the typical qualities of the hunting dog and the pointing dog, in order to accompany the hunting activities in a total way.

The invention of the double-barreled shotgun in 1750 made this evolution towards a more versatile breed type even more necessary.

For this reason, Prince Albrecht of Solms-Braunfels decided to lay the foundation for the creation of the German shorthaired pointing dog.

In this regard he wrote a book dedicated to the very origin of this popular German hound.

Characteristics and morphology

The structure of this dog is athletic and harmonious. Its musculature is strong and defined, prepared for intense runs and long hunting days.

If raised consistently and gradually, the German Shorthaired Pointing Dog is able to continue hunting until old age. The most common colors of this breed are usually four:

  1. Brown, with or without white markings.
  2. White, with a brown or speckled head.
  3. Black.
  4. Brown roan with brown head.

Morphologically it is a large breed dog. The height ranges from 59 to 64 centimeters at the withers, while the weight can vary from 25 to 32 kilos.

As often happens, females register smaller measures: about 53 or 58 cm in height for a weight of 20/27 kg.

Its back is strong, with a marked musculature, the neck is in proportion to the body and the tail is not too long and tapers at the tip. In the specimens used in hunting trips, it is cut in half.

For some years now, this practice has been abolished in several countries, including Italy. Article 10 of the European Convention for the Protection of Companion Animals  specifically prohibits surgical operations on pets for “aesthetic” purposes only.

This is a good result in defense of these beautiful animals, although many hunters continue to defend the benefits of this intervention.

Temperament and care

The German Shorthaired Pointing Dog loves to run, sniff trails and hunt in the fresh air. But on the other hand, as we have told you, it was born precisely for this.

It also has a very strong protective instinct, which makes it perfect as a guard dog as well.

German shorthaired pointing dog puppy

He is a dog suitable for active people and families, who can help him meet his enormous physical exercise needs. A too sedentary life would lead this animal to feel useless, depressed and to develop destructive behaviors.

You will not be dealing with a particularly dominant dog, but you will need to be good at gaining and maintaining your authority in a firm way.

From when it is a puppy, impose consistent rules of behavior: few limits, but clear and precise.

Further information

The German Shorthaired Pointing Dog needs to have a structured life. Without proper attention and authority, your four-legged friend will be at risk of suffering from separation anxiety and engaging in problematic behaviors.

Regarding the possible health problems, it must be said that this breed is prone to some congenital pathologies.

For example, hip dysplasia, epilepsy and some cancers. The life expectancy of the German hound ranges from 12 to 15 years.

In order to avoid the appearance of parasites, it must be brushed regularly, especially after long walks in the countryside or outdoors.

Make sure that, after each trip, there are no remains of leaves or anything else in its fur, to prevent the accumulation of dirt that leads to the proliferation of microorganisms.

The type of diet will depend on the degree of activity you offer your pet.

In case it is used for hunting, we advise you to give it food with a high energy content and also meat. Remember that any change in diet should be gradual to avoid intestinal problems.

As you have seen, the  German Hound is a really interesting dog, from many points of view.

If you love the outdoors and want to adopt an intelligent and versatile animal, surely the German Shorthaired Pointing Dog is the right choice.

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