Names For Hunting Dogs

We give you some hunting dog name ideas that we hope will inspire your imagination.
Names for hunting dogs

Baptizing a pet is always complicated, even more so if it accompanies you in certain activities, such as hunting. Precisely because of the need to call the dog clearly and quickly, names for hunting dogs must be chosen with common sense. For this reason, in the following article, we will try to give you some ideas, useful and original.

A hunting dog’s name should never be difficult to pronounce. On the contrary, it must facilitate listening in case of a call, especially if it has to bring back a prey. In addition, it is convenient that it does not resemble orders or jargons that you use in hunting, so as not to confuse your four-legged friend.

Among the alternatives that we will see below, we have chosen some names for hunting dogs inspired by Greek mythology. Not surprisingly, many ancient characters possessed famous ones. In addition, they summarize values ​​such as fidelity, courage and love towards one’s master.

Argo, the dog of Ulysses

Argo was the hunting dog of Ulysses, king of Ithaca who, after having fought in the Trojan war, returned home, disguised so as not to be recognized. Only the faithful Argus was able to recognize the ruler, after waiting for him for about 20 years. But in order not to jeopardize his intentions of revenge, he went along with the acheo’s plan.

However, Odysseus could not contain tears upon seeing his old friend, while poor Argos  let himself die at his feet, happy to have accomplished his mission. Defending the king’s house all those years. As you can see, it is a truly perfect name for your hunting dog.

Hunting dog on the meadow

The hunting dogs of Greek heroes and gods

For the Greeks there is a name par excellence for a hunting dog: we are talking about Lelapo, the fastest, from whom no one could escape. It was a gift that the almighty Zeus gave to one of his many lovers, the goddess Europa, but he often changed owners. He was given the task of hunting the Teumesia fox, which was unattainable, which created an endless search in the form of a paradox, so that Zeus turned both animals into statues.

Mera is another ideal hunting dog name, in this case if you have a female dog. Mera was the dog of Erigone, daughter of Icarus, and helped her find her father’s grave. His loyalty was such that both committed suicide by discovering that forbidden place.

Sirius (the fiery celestial dog) is another of the most famous dogs in Greek mythology. He was Orion’s hunting dog, and in fact one of the stars of this constellation bears his name. This is also a great choice for your four-legged friend.

Although Artemis (Diana for the ancient Romans) is considered the goddess of hunting, the fact is that she was always accompanied by a whole pack of dogs in her hunting activities. So honoring this Greek goddess might be another option in terms of names, especially if you have a puppy.

Hunting dog with pheasant in the mouth

Guardian dogs of Hell

The aforementioned Cerberus  (brother of Ortro) is another of the great dogs of Greek mythology, and in this case it is the mascot of Hades, god of the underworld. Of course, he had three heads and guarded the gates of his master’s infernal house. He was extremely faithful and took care of the custody of the souls who arrived in that terrible place. A name for hunting dogs that have a more formidable attitude.

It is interesting to note that Norse mythology has its own version of Cerberus: we are talking about Garmr, the guardian of Norse hell ruled by the goddess Hella (equivalent of Hades) and who fights against Týr (Mars) in the final battle of Ragnarǫk.

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