Get Rid Of Prejudices And Adopt A Cat

Get rid of prejudices and adopt a cat

Cats are fascinating animals. However, there are a lot of people who don’t like them. Often it is an unmotivated aversion, and simply caused by stereotypes and prejudices. We give you some information to expose the most common lies about cats.

Cats are evil

One of the main reasons people keep from adopting a cat is the belief that these beautiful felines are evil animals.  Other people keep away from it because they fear that the cat might launch an attack at any moment.

Many are convinced that cats can attack without reason and without warning, but this is completely untrue. Cats prefer to avoid scuffles, especially when the opponent is physically larger. Cats only attack when they feel surrounded, or when they have been harmed or if they are sick.

They carry diseases

How many times have you heard that cats carry diseases ? Here is another false myth to dispel: it is much more likely to become infected and contract diseases caused by contact with other people, than by contact with a pet. Even if many diseases are specific pathologies of a species and cannot be transmitted to humans, there are, unfortunately, sensationalist and alarmist articles that warn of the danger of contact with cats. For example, we often talk about feline toxoplasmosis.

An article was recently published in which it speaks of research that would have shown that there are links between toxoplasmosis and a wide variety of personality disorders, ranging from ADHD (abbreviation for attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome) to obsessive-compulsive disorder, or and from schizophrenia to suicidal tendencies. Not to mention the myriad of publications on toxoplasmosis and pregnancy. The infection can be transmitted to the baby through the placenta, causing malformations or even abortion or stillbirth in certain circumstances.


One wonders why, if it really is so worrying, the National Center for Disease Prevention and Control has not launched an appeal for pregnant women, and all people in general, to avoid contact with cats.  The Center recommends in this regard only to wash your hands thoroughly after changing the sand or to wear gloves.  

Toxoplasmosis is avoided with hygiene

You should know that, generally,  the transmission of this type of infectious disease depends on poor hygiene habits and unhealthy living conditions. 

The cat contracts toxoplasmosis from the ingestion of raw meats and feces of other cats contaminated with toxoplasma oocysts.

For transmission to humans it is necessary to ingest the oocysts, which are expelled from the cat with the feces and which can also remain attached to the hair. This risk, however, exists for a very short period, of only 6-8 days from the cat’s infection, so it is very difficult for a person, with an average normal hygienic behavior, to become infected.

So much so that the National Center for Disease Prevention and Control warns that in order not to contract toxoplasmosis it is much more important to control the diet and not eat raw or undercooked meat, and to wash the vegetables well. 


They cannot be trained

Another misconception about cats is just this: many people mistakenly believe that cats cannot be educated and trained. False!

Of course, training a cat is a little more difficult than training a dog. However, we can teach our feline friends numerous things. People often believe that cats are indomitable animals, but in reality the fault lies with the people who do not have enough patience to educate them.

The belief that cats are cold animals and that they ignore their owners’ orders is probably the most widespread and most prejudicial myth. Many owners get rid of cats because they believe they cannot be polite.

Of course, no one likes that the cat does not go to the litter box, that it scratches the furniture, curtains and sofas, but these are behaviors that can be corrected through small tricks and a good dose of affection and patience.

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