Industrial Or Homemade Food: What Is Better?

Industrial or homemade food: which is better?

There is a saying that says “everyone is free to do what they want”, and which seems to be the most appropriate to introduce a subject in constant debate: industrial or home-made food? What is best for our beloved pets?

Prefabricated Food Vs Homemade Food

dog looks at roast chicken

Trying to go beyond the commercial interests of the large manufacturers of canned food and feed, which are not few, the positions regarding the most correct diets for feeding pets are varied.

Each opinion is supported by some well-defined points against and in favor. In this kind of circumstances, common sense suggests to us, however, the impossibility of going back to a single and absolute truth.

For this reason, the ideal thing to do is to inquire about the subject, consulting different specialists and drawing your own personal conclusions on the best way to feed your pet.

Regardless of the industrial or homemade nature of the feed you give your pet, the important thing is that it is made with high quality ingredients and that it meets its nutritional needs for every stage of life.

Daily reality sometimes helps solve the dilemma

As a rule, you always try to feed your pet in the best way, and to do this the best alternative is homemade food.

However, sometimes the reality is different, since often one does not even have the time necessary to cook for oneself or for one’s human family.

Consequently, our animal ends up having to eat industrial feed. And we find ourselves eating in a fast food restaurant.

What is the best way to feed your pet?

Regardless of what type of food you give your four-legged friend, the important thing is that they contain quality ingredients and that they meet their nutritional needs in relation to:

  • Dimensions
  • Age
  • Physical conditions
  • Specific characteristics of the breed.

Here’s what the defenders of industrial feed say

Proponents of pre-made food claim that this kind of food satisfies all the nutritional needs of the animal, and that for this reason it is not necessary to supplement their diet further.

In support of their thesis, they refer to the fact that feed contains the right quantities of the elements indispensable for the animal, a factor not easy to obtain when preparing homemade food.

They also insist that providing a pet with a diet that is not based on industrial feed will only unbalance its diet.

The thesis of those who prefer homemade food

Advocates of homemade food, for their part, report the inability of pre-made foods to properly feed pets. According to what they explain, most feeds contain a high amount of cereals, which are not part of the natural diet of carnivorous animals such as dogs and cats.

The most avid supporters of the thesis insist that animals should consume raw food, just as they would if they lived in the wild.

Recommendations before cooking for your pet

If you have decided to make food for your pet yourself, keep in mind that this does not mean providing him with leftovers from lunch or dinner. It is necessary to remember that the nutritional needs of a dog or a cat are very different from those of us humans.

For this, you will need to develop a conscious diet that contains all the necessary foods rich in the essential nutrients for each stage of life.

It is therefore important to consult a specialist in the sector, so that he can advise you on this matter.

Advice for those who opt for industrial feed

little girl in the kitchen and white cat

If you choose to feed your four-legged friend with food, keep the following points in mind:

  • Select products that do not contain grains
  • Choose quality dog ​​or cat food to avoid health problems caused by insufficient nutrition
  • Store food in a cool, dry place and in tightly closed containers.

    In search of balance

    Now you know, regardless of how you choose to feed your dog or your cat, the most important thing is that you provide him with the most appropriate diet for his characteristics.

    If you don’t have the opportunity to cook every day, give yourself and your pet the pleasure of a nice homemade recipe from time to time.

    For sure he will be grateful to you.

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