How To Put A Thermometer On A Dog

How to put a thermometer on a dog

If you suspect that your four-legged friend has a fever, the only way to properly check this is by measuring his rectal temperature. Although it is not an appreciable operation for either the animal or you, you may have to perform it more than once in a lifetime. To this end , we list the steps to follow to put the thermometer on a dog in the least traumatic form possible.

Things to consider when checking if your dog has a fever

In order to measure a dog’s body temperature, you will need a quick-read thermometer, which is made of unbreakable material. Always keep one handy in your pet’s first aid kit.

Since the most likely eventuality is that your four-legged friend does not cooperate to facilitate the operation, it is advisable to ask for the help of another person, either with the aim of holding him still, distracting him or giving him some cuddles.

Therefore arm yourself with patience, bearing in mind that everything is achieved with a good predisposition and a better approach.


Also, remember to disinfect the thermometer before introducing it into your pet’s anus.

The steps to follow to put the thermometer on a dog

Follow these tips to successfully measure your pet’s temperature. You must know that:

  • The dog must remain stationary in order to avoid injury.
  • Raise his tail and slowly and carefully introduce the tip of the thermometer into his anal orifice, maintaining the position for about thirty seconds or in any case until the beep.
  • To facilitate the operation, you can use a little petroleum jelly or some specific lubricant for dogs. Consult your vet about the various options available.
  • Once the process is completed, it is advisable to reward your four-legged friend with some treats or other food that he likes, with the aim of making him associate the examination of body temperature with something positive.

Some facts about dogs and fever

Also consider the following information regarding the relationship between dogs and fever:

  • An adult dog, in good health and well fed, has an average temperature of 38 degrees Celsius. Puppies can get up to 39 degrees.
  • The temperature can vary during the day. To avoid distorting the measurement results, it is best to check whether your pet has a fever or not always before he eats or exercises.
  • After taking his temperature, disinfect the thermometer with cotton soaked in alcohol and put it back in its place. Remember to use it only with him.

The signs that a dog has a fever

Keep in mind that fever is a defense mechanism of the body following an “attack” by agents which, generally, have an infectious nature.

By raising the body temperature, the immune system reacts to a disease.

So, apart from the indisputable verdict of the thermometer, there are some signs that may help you find out if your dog has a fever. Pay attention if the animal, among other indicators, has:

  • Dry and / or warm nose
  • Nasal discharge
  • Apathy
  • Sadness
  • Aggression
  • Lack of appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • He retched

In addition, a feverish pet is likely to sleep much more than usual.

What to do Your pet has a fever


If you find that your dog has a fever, it is time to consult your veterinarian, who will be able to diagnose any diseases and advise you on the treatment to follow.

Under no circumstances should you give him fever-lowering drugs that are intended for human use, at least without a prescription from a professional. Self-medicating a dog could cause serious health problems.

In conclusion, give your furry friend a lot of care, so that he can avoid not only the fever, but also the unpleasant experience of having to use a thermometer to check it.

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