Tips To Avoid The Bad Smell Of The Litter Box

Tips to avoid the bad smell of the litter box

If you have one or more cats in the house, do not miss our tips to avoid the bad smell of the litter box. Especially if you have already tried various methods but have not given the desired results. It may happen that, despite paying attention to cleanliness and taking particular care of hygiene, there is still something that escapes you. But rest assured: in this article we will show you how to finally get rid of that unpleasant smell .

How to get rid of the bad smell of the litter box

First of all, you must always keep in mind that the litter box is the bathroom of your pet feline. He, however, does not have the ability to clean it himself. Changing the sand every day is certainly not the solution, but with a few simple and effective tricks you will be able to eliminate the smell of the litter which, apart from being unpleasant, over time can impregnate entire areas of the house.

Change the sand often

Even if today, at supermarkets and discount stores it is possible to buy litter sand at more advantageous prices, compared to specialized pet shops, certainly changing it every day would involve a considerable cost.

a scoop to remove droppings from the litter box

How often should the litter be  replaced ? Generally, we recommend that you change it at least twice a week if you only have one cat. If the number of domestic cats you live with is higher, you probably need to do this three or four times a week.

Collect the necessities

With a plastic bag that you will then seal tightly, you should remove the excrement once a day. This will prevent them from accumulating excessively in the litter box. On the one hand, your four-legged friend will feel more comfortable, on the other you will avoid the risk of a progressive increase in  bad smells.

a scoop with cat droppings inside the litter box

If you see that there is pee in the sand, and it has not yet penetrated to the bottom, you can withdraw this moist mass so that it does not touch the cleaner layer of the bottom.

Clean the litter box from time to time

It is recommended that when you decide to change the sand, once it has been completely removed, it is a good idea to clean the litter box with bleach or another type of disinfectant before spilling a new sandbag into it. In this way you will always guarantee the highest level of hygiene for your pet. Don’t forget to dry everything with absorbent kitchen paper to prevent the acrid smell of these products from bothering your cat.

Buy scented sand

There are more and more options when it comes to sand for cat litter boxes. On the market today you can even buy scented products  that are ideal for avoiding the bad smell of the litter box. They are made with scented sands that give off a soft aroma that permeates the tray and blocks odors, limiting their diffusion into the surrounding air.

Change the litter box

Over time, your cat’s sand and claws can ruin the litter box. The formation of small cracks or fissures will allow stool and urine to enter areas that are difficult to clean. When you disinfect it, check the condition of the litter and if the conditions are bad, it is better to buy a new one.

white kitten in the hands of the mistress on a litter box

Depending on the use that will be made of it, a litter can easily last from six months to a year. Since you will then have to change it, we advise you not to spend too much to buy one. There are various types, remember to always choose one that allows the animal to feel comfortable.

Use a deodorant

In addition to scented sand, there are sand deodorants that will help cover up bad smells. While they can make the sand a little less unpleasant, that doesn’t mean you can leave the litter box in a bad state. If anything, it is an accessory measure, to be used together with the normal cleaning and sanitizing operations of the “bathroom” of your little feline.

Put the litter box in an open place

If you place the litter box in an open or well-ventilated area, odors will go away more easily. Keeping it in a hidden corner and with the door closed will make the unpleasant fumes from fermenting excrement worse.

What do you think of these tips for avoiding the bad smell of your pet’s litter box? Surely, if you put them into practice, you will be able to eliminate bad smells and at the same time you will make the most of the function of the sand you have bought.

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