The Himalayan Cat: Between Persian And Siamese

The Himalayan cat retains all the beauty of Persian and Oriental cats. A truly fascinating specimen, which combines the softness of its fur with the exotic cut of the eyes, as well as a whole series of features that make it unique.
The Himalayan cat: between the Persian and the Siamese

The Himalayan cat is famous for its incredible beauty. A specimen that harmoniously combines characteristic traits of the Persian and Siamese cats. In addition to its appearance, this feline is also known for its balanced temperament and extraordinary adaptability.

Before deciding to adopt a Himalayan cat it is important to know its characteristics and the care necessary to preserve its excellent health.

Let’s see in this article everything that is important to know about the Himalayan cat.

Origin of the Himalayan cat

The appearance of this cat is extremely indicative of its origins. It is a breed born from the crossing between Persian and Siamese cats; two of the most famous breeds all over the world.

The first specimens were born in Sweden during the 1930s, although the origin of this breed is often attributed to England or the United States. It is said that the creators wanted to create a breed that maintained the physical traits of the Persian cat, combining the genes of the Siamese cat and in particular its typical blue eyes.

For many years the feline associations did not recognize the Himalayan cat as a real breed. The first official recognition took place in England in 1957, under the name of Longhaired Colorpoint. In the same year, the Himalayan cat was also recognized as a breed in the United States, where it gained enormous popularity.

It is worth noting that the name of this cat does not refer to the famous Himalayan mountain range or to the origins of this animal. In fact, the name comes from its aesthetic resemblance to the Himalayan rabbit.

the Himalayan cat

Physical characteristics

As we have already anticipated, the Himalayan cat retains the morphological characteristics of Persian cats. Its body is medium in size, sturdy and compact, with short and strong legs. The linear muzzle thanks to the flattened nose.

The long, abundant and silky coat of the Himalayan cat is similar to that of the Persian cat, but has the characteristic “colored tips” of Siamese cats, from which it also inherits the beautiful blue eyes.

The colors of the fur may vary slightly from specimen to specimen, but always fit the style of colourpoint cats. The most common shades are light blue, chocolate, red, seal brown, lilac or dove gray.

Temperament and character

The Himalayan cat is characterized by a balanced, calm and intelligent temperament. In general, this cat cultivates a very close bond with its family members, with whom it usually shows itself affectionate, playful and companionship.

In front of people or animals he does not know, his character can become reserved or shy. However, if subjected to proper socialization, he will be able to relate in a more than positive way with strangers and with the stimuli that come from the environment.

The Himalayan cat is also distinguished by its great ability to learn, an aspect that greatly facilitates its education. Within the family he loves learning new games and activities that can awaken his curiosity and stimulate his senses, especially the hunting instinct.


Caring for the Himalayan cat

This breed requires daily brushing to best preserve their fur and avoid the accumulation of dead hair and dirt, as well as the formation of intestinal hairballs. It is also recommended to wash it at least once a month to keep the coat clean and shiny.

Dental hygiene is essential to prevent the appearance of tartar and the consequent dental diseases. The ideal is to brush the cat’s teeth at least twice a week to avoid the accumulation of food between the teeth.

Environmental enrichment is essential to let the cat discharge its energy in a positive way, to train it to keep the mind stimulated and thus prevent any behavioral problems. Also, buy him a scratching post to sharpen his nails.

Health of the Himalayan cat

The Himalayan cat is strong and hardy. If he receives the proper attention, he is unlikely to get sick. However, it can be affected by some hereditary or common diseases among cats such as the following:

  • Hairballs in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Ophthalmological problems.
  • Mandibular and facial alterations.
  • Urinary tract infections and kidney problems.

The life expectancy of this cat is between 12 and 15 years, but it can extend if it receives adequate preventive medical care.

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