The Dog Breeds That Best Stand The Cold

If you live in an area with severe winters, you should choose your dog from the breeds that are best suited to cold climates. There is really plenty of choice!
The dog breeds that best stand the cold

Low temperatures can cause numerous diseases and health complications for our four-legged friends. For this reason, when we live in places with particularly harsh winters, the ideal is to choose our dog from the dog breeds that best tolerate the cold.

These dogs still need attention, even during the winter, to preserve their health. In any case, their organism is used to living in the cold, which is why they show greater resistance to the adversities of the climate. In this article, we discover the dogs that best stand the cold.

The 12 dog breeds that best stand the cold

1. Siberian husky, one of the dogs that tolerate the cold the most

Originally from charming and cold Siberia, the Siberian Husky has adapted perfectly to the harsh Russian winters. In addition to its extraordinary beauty, this dog is also known for its great strength and physical endurance. Qualities that have always led him to be a sled dog.

Siberian husky under the snow, one of the dogs that tolerate the cold best.

2. Alaskan malamute

Similar in appearance to the Siberian Husky, the Alaskan malamute is another dog that can stand the cold best. He comes from Alaska and is admired for his aptitude for work and his endurance. It is considered to be among the toughest sled dogs in the world.

3. Tibetan Mastiff

This beautiful giant dog from Tibet is among the oldest dog breeds in the world. Little is known about its origins, as the breed was raised in isolation by ancient Himalayan shepherds. It should be emphasized that the race already appeared in some writings of the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC).

Tibetan mastiff in a meadow.

4. Kuvasz, one of the dogs that tolerate the cold best

The Kuvasz is a drover dog native to Hungary known for its thick white or cream colored fur. An ancient race, which is estimated to have inhabited Hungary as early as the Hun rule. Probably, this dog is descended from Asian or Turkish relatives.

Kuvasz in the snow, among the dogs that tolerate the cold best.

5. Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain Dog is originally from Switzerland and is included in the list of dogs that best tolerate the cold. Originally, this tricolor furry dog ​​was trained as a guardian of cattle and pastures, but has managed to gain enormous popularity as a companion dog as well.

Bernese mountain dog in a wood.

6. San Bernardo, Italian dogs that tolerate the cold very well

The Saint Bernard became a real movie star after being the star of the Beethoven movie. A very famous breed also for its ability to recover people, a skill that allows it to save many lives during the avalanches that engulf the Swiss and Italian Alps.

St. Bernard on the snow in the mountains.

7. Newfoundland

The Newfoundland is native to Canada and is believed to be a “loving giant” of the canine world. Beyond the imposing size, it is a balanced and docile breed, patient and protective especially with children. The Newfoundland is perfectly accustomed to low temperatures, loves water and is an excellent swimmer.

Specimen of Newfoundland, among the dogs that tolerate the cold best.

8. Samoyed

This chubby white-haired Russian dog can easily be mistaken for a stuffed animal, but it is a particularly strong and resilient dog. Originally from Siberia, it integrates perfectly in cold environments and is an excellent companion animal. It is a particularly energetic breed that needs to train both body and mind every day.

Samoyedo on a frozen beach.

9. Chow chow

The Chow chow is probably one of the most famous Chinese dogs in the world. In addition to his adorable aesthetics, this dog has a strong personality. He needs to be educated and pushed to socialize from an early age to learn to coexist positively with other animals and with strangers.

Chow chow in the garden.

10. Akita inu

The Akita inu is a dog of Japanese origin that gained great popularity following the movie Hachiko. In Japan, these dogs are considered a true national treasure, revered as a symbol of good luck, health and loyalty. Their constitution is perfect for withstanding low temperatures.

Akita inu, Japanese dog.

11. Shiba inu

Also of Japanese origin, the Shiba inu resembles the Akita, although smaller and with a finer snout. However, it has the same physical resistance and the same ability to adapt to rigid climates as its fellow man, as well as a shy and circumspect temperament.

Shiba inu walking in the green.

The Shiba inu is extremely loyal to its owners, but needs to be pushed to socialize from an early age in order to relate positively to strangers.

12. German Shepherd

Although not native to cold areas like the dogs mentioned above, the German Shepherd is one of the dogs that can stand the cold best. Given his intelligence and his versatility he has become a dog able to adapt to different situations and different environments.

Pastore tedesco con le orecchie dritte.

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