Dogs In World War II

Dogs could perform many military duties and did not simply act as messengers or rescue dogs.
Dogs in the Second World War

The dog has accompanied humans for ten thousand years. He became man’s best friend and, as a result, he unfortunately could not avoid getting involved in the worst wars of mankind. The dogs in World War II (1939 – 1945) played an important and often crucial role in the armies fighting.

It is believed that dogs were already used for military purposes in the wars between the Persians and the Greeks. In Europe its use in conditions of conflict began together with the conquest of America, when the first conquistadors began to exploit races such as the Spanish Great Dane.

There are other historical periods in which the pet animal par excellence was the protagonist. Just like the World Wars or other war scenarios that are still unfortunately present today. But dogs in World War II had a great deal of participation and saved thousands of lives, although they ended up being victims themselves. In some cases, many races were on the verge of disappearing.

Dogs used as tools of war

Dogs could perform many military duties and did not simply act as messengers or rescue dogs. Unfortunately, some participated directly on the front line and many of them gave their lives because of a conflict that did not concern them and that they could never understand.

Police dog next to an officer

The United States Army tried to train large dogs to kill Japanese soldiers. The program took place in dog training facilities, where American soldiers of Japanese descent served for training, playing the role of “prey”.

The project, however, was a real failure, even though it was perfected during the ensuing conflict in Vietnam.

But the best known work is that of anti-tank dogs. The Soviet Union used the dog in a way that was as peculiar as it was merciless and inhumane. These animals were fasted for days after being trained to forage for food under tanks. Once released in front of the enemy, the dogs in search of food launched themselves against the German armored vehicles.

Obviously, the poor animals were attached to very powerful explosives that were fired near or when they were under the enemy tanks.

As can be understood, after the first successful attacks, the soldiers began to shoot mercilessly at the unwitting dogs.

Military logistics and use of dogs in World War II

Although draft horses were preferred for transportation, dogs were used to move machine guns and pull stretchers of the wounded.

The Red Army used dogs in World War II, especially on snow-covered terrain. He also did so directly on the rough terrain of the battlefield, where many horses ended up injuring themselves or breaking their legs.

Dogs were also used as messengers, to be able to send messages without being intercepted by the opposing forces.

Others were used to install explosives or telephone lines. These animals could enter through smaller, easier-to-make tunnels and holes that humans could not access. Even other animal species, such as ferrets, were trained for such tasks.

In addition to exploiting hunger, courage, strength and orientation skills, the military also managed to take advantage of the dogs’ excellent sense of smell. Especially to detect mines.

However, the use of negative reinforcement training has caused many projects to fail.

These docile animals were terrified and their use in war scenarios was often ineffective and in any case very short. In some cases they were replaced by smaller mammals, such as rats.

Dogs in World War II were also used to locate traps, avoid ambushes, find weapons depots and even snipers. These dogs could locate traps a kilometer away and were far more effective than human explorers. They were also used as guardians to defend camps and posts.

The sacrifice of dogs in the Second World War

Some dogs became true heroes of the time. One example is Chips , a mixed breed dog belonging to the US military who has received several medals, reserved only for humans.

Dog on the meadow at sunset

Chips participated in many of the battles that affected the conflict, from North Africa, to Sicily, but also in France and in Germany itself.

Among his greatest exploits, we must remember the day he saved an entire battalion of American soldiers. This brave and cunning dog infiltrated an enemy machine gun den, neutralizing them. And he even managed to return home unscathed after the war.

As you can see, many dogs weren’t so lucky at all. Dogs in World War II were often used as guinea pigs, both to develop new drugs and to develop very dangerous and lethal chemical weapons.

After the end of the conflict, due to widespread hunger and famine, hundreds of thousands of animals were brought to slaughter in countries such as the United Kingdom.

The sacrifice of dogs during the war was gigantic. Millions of specimens have died from their wounds, from starvation or from the direct consequences of these useless armed clashes.

Decades later, these dogs are considered heroes and there are many monuments or books that pay homage to their courage.

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