Did You Know That Bach Flowers Improve The Quality Of Life Of Your Pets?

Did you know that Bach flowers improve the quality of life of your pets?

If your pet is stressed, fearful, nervous or suffers from some physical pathology, in addition to contacting the vet, you can resort to natural therapies. Bach flowers are an excellent remedy that improves the quality of life of your pets.

What are Bach flowers?

Bach flowers

Bach flowers are natural essences used to treat specific emotional situations, such as fears, loneliness, despair, stress, obsession and depression. These flowers were discovered, between 1926 and 1934, by Edward Bach. This Welsh homeopath doctor after various experiments using the wild flowers of Great Britain, found 38 natural remedies with healing properties. The Welsh doctor’s flower therapy develops around the principle according to which, to cure, only emotions must be considered. The single flower would be able to trigger the process of transformation of the negative emotion, with the consequent disappearance of the physical symptom, this being a disorder that arises from a discomfort originating at another much deeper level.

Bach flowers, also called Bach flower remedies, belong to vibrational or bioenergetic medicine, whose healing principles are based precisely on the transmission of the energy that the flowers absorb from the sun and that they store in the leaves and stems. By dissolving the flowers in water, this energy is accumulated by the liquid and from this it then passes to other living beings, when they digest the floral essence. 

Bach flowers were originally intended for human use only. Their beneficial effect has been proven and they are recommended in homeopathic treatments. However , recently, it has been shown that they also work on animals, especially on companion animals that suffer more negatively from environmental changes.

How does all this affect the life of your pet?


Bach flowers are a natural therapy. They have healthier healing properties than the chemicals we use routinely. Bach flowers help to restore emotional balance, help the animal to cope with periods of stress, such as a move, a visit to the vet or the estrous cycle. 

They also help with internal conflicts, aggression and fears. The animal responds immediately. After the therapy there is no period of rest and readjustment to normal life, which could be another cause of stress for the animal.

How to know what is the correct therapy to apply?

If your pet is nervous, stressed, and doesn’t want to get out of hiding, you can resort to Bach flower therapy. But first it  is necessary that the veterinarian does an exhaustive check to know and to evaluate which pathologies are in progress.

In addition, the type of life within the family context must be considered to identify possible changes or situations that could cause stress or nervousness, for example arguments, a birth, a death, pregnancy, relocation, other animals, other people , etc.

We cannot even ignore the character and personality of the animal. The behavior can be influenced by an external cause, but it is also possible that it depends on his personality. 

It is advisable to write down all the symptoms that are observed, both physically and emotionally or behaviorally. In this way you will have a fairly accurate picture of the chronology of the manifestation of the disorders. It must be considered that each case is unique, therefore a specific essence will be applied to each one.  Each case must be studied by the therapist so that he himself can determine what type of therapy and the doses to be administered daily to the animal. 

What are the advantages of administering Bach flowers to animals?

Bach flowers help restore emotional balance, eliminating stress and nervousness. In addition to having a calming effect, they help regulate wrong behaviors and reassure the animal, thus also facilitating the work of the veterinarian. Being flower essences, they will be administered orally, dissolved in water or food: the dog does not warn them and will not refuse to take them. Bach flowers have no side effects or contraindications and can be combined with traditional veterinary medicine.

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