A Group Of Bathers Saves The Lives Of Thirty Dolphins Stranded On The Beach

A group of bathers saves the lives of thirty dolphins stranded on the beach

They say that dolphins are the most intelligent beings in the world, but this does not mean that they are exempt from making mistakes: sometimes, even these beautiful animals go wrong and get lost.

This is exactly what happened to a group of thirty dolphins near one of the wonderful beaches of Brazil. Fortunately, once again, it was the altruism and sensitivity of a group of bathers that saved the lives of these fantastic animals. Do you want to know the history?

On a distant Brazilian beach …


Brazilian beaches are famous all over the world for their beauty and for being often very crowded. On the beach where the events took place, there were many people that day: a real fortune for these poor dolphins. While some bathers strolled along the seafront and others sunbathed, a multitude of fins suddenly appeared on the horizon.

Were they sharks? Not at all! It was a pod of dolphins that was approaching the coast at great speed. Those present, convinced that, once they reached the shore, the dolphins would come back, they had to change their minds very quickly.

The dolphins, in fact, reached the shoreline, leaving those present astonished, who could not find an explanation for this behavior. It may be that the poor animals did not see where they were heading, or they may have been caught by a very strong and sudden current that pushed them in the opposite direction to their own. Either way, the poor dolphins went ashore within seconds.

Moments of confusion

The bathers, faced with this unusual scene, were quite dumbfounded. The dolphins, in fact, famous for their playful nature, kept moving awkwardly and waving their fins, while flapping their tails on the sand and the water bathed them from time to time.

Those present, therefore, could not understand if the dolphins were in difficulty or if they were simply playing. They would soon find out what was really happening to them.

The swimmers save the lives of thirty dolphins

Finally, one of the bathers realized that the animals were in trouble and that the movement of their tails was not a game. The dolphins were struggling to keep themselves alive. Flapping their tails and spinning, they desperately tried to leave the shore and dive back into the sea, but the wet sand prevented them from moving.

At that moment the bather, without thinking twice, ran to the shore and, grabbing one of the animals, immediately began to pull it by the tail, entering the water himself to facilitate the maneuver and bring the unfortunate dolphin back into the sea.

The gesture, taken for example by the other bathers, served as a precedent and in a short time they all began to imitate the dolphin savior and to help other poor animals.

Each of them tried to bring the dolphins back to the open sea, pulling them by the tail and in less than a couple of minutes, the thirty dolphins were finally back on the high seas, swimming freely and, luckily, safe and sound, towards safe waters. .

An act of love for animals

What would you have done in that situation? We are sure you would have acted just like those swimmers did. Even though it was an intense effort, the satisfaction of saving the thirty dolphins was certainly the greatest reward.

It fills us with joy to think that there are people like this, people with a big heart, who do not remain indifferent to the problems of others, who play to lend a hand and, as in this case, to save the life of an animal. These are gestures that make us hope that, perhaps, one day, the world will change, that not everyone is selfish and not all is lost; these are things that remind us that goodness of soul still exists in certain hearts.

These dolphins will certainly be very grateful to these good people who, thanks to their courage and help, have saved their lives. We just have to give him our compliments from here!

We also take this opportunity to renew an appeal that is particularly close to our hearts: if you see an animal in difficulty, help it!

And since we are aware that a picture is worth a thousand words, we leave you the video of the dolphin rescue below. Don’t miss it!

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